2018-7-23 13:10:21

@leif It seems like you either need to refer to something in the current module (in which case you can just give the module’s context to the identifier) or from a module that the current one can and should import via syntax-local-lift-require to make the identifier available. Maybe it all goes back to the problem of identifying the current module somehow at compile time; or maybe the problem is that you need to replicate the same strategy that the macro system implements with MPIs, where everything is relative to a “self” MPI (so the “self” case can be detected). It’s possible to synthesize any kind of binding that you want by working in a different namespace: adjust the module name resolver while evaluating a “dummy” module, require the module into an otherwise empty namespace to set up a binding, then add that namespace’s scope to an identifier with namespace-syntax-introduce. That’s an extreme solution, though.

2018-7-23 14:53:04

I mean, just checking for self (even if I could) is not quite enough, because the pseudo-identifier could also (in principle) could point to a module that requires ‘self’. I think you’re right that replicating the MPI system is probably the way to go here. Although I certainly agree that that is a bit of an extreme solution. :slightly_smiling_face:

2018-7-23 15:19:53

@mflatt ^

2018-7-23 15:54:21

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2018-7-23 16:35:42

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2018-7-23 17:26:54

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2018-7-23 19:20:46

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