2018-9-12 07:34:15

@mflatt thanks for the explanation. Trying to extract a smaller example.

2018-9-12 07:34:40

I think this is related to me not knowing about define-runtime-paths and my extensive use of dynamic-require.

2018-9-12 08:47:00

@mflatt I have sent an email to the ml since the small-ish example looked too large to post here.

2018-9-12 11:35:33

@norman.kraft has joined the channel

2018-9-12 17:50:36

Am I missing something simple for why this doesn’t just work: #lang racket/base (define nspace (namespace-require 'racket/math (make-base-namespace))) (eval '(sqr 6) nspace) ;; require: unknown module ;; module name: #<resolved-module-path:"...../collects/racket/math.rkt">

2018-9-12 18:03:15

frustratingly… the resolved-module-path file it points to indeed exists and is what I want to require >_<

2018-9-12 18:10:10

nevermind I figured out something that works (also namespace-require returns void, oops, so that’s obviously not what I had thought)

2018-9-12 18:16:02

I’m having some crazy problems with hash-ref (possibly memory related)

2018-9-12 18:16:43

I have a set of ffi bindings which import a bunch of data structures that have a size of 16-bits

2018-9-12 18:17:18

I then add 256 of these data structures into a hash-map as keys

2018-9-12 18:17:38

Later on, when I try to access these keys, they don’t show up in the hash table

2018-9-12 18:18:21

I’ve made sure that the hash-table is comparing using equal? by checking with hash-equal?which returns #t

2018-9-12 18:18:39

And I’ve tried a simplified version in the REPL which works fine, so it’s not some weird issue comparing keys

2018-9-12 18:19:17

The weird part is that if I call hash-keys or hash-&gt;list, the keys show up in the produced lists

2018-9-12 18:19:36

So I think the keys are in the hash table, they just aren’t being looked up properly

2018-9-12 18:20:05

I’ve tried to minimize this example to get a more manageable way to figure out this bug, but I’m also having problems with that

2018-9-12 18:20:57

I’ve tried just removing definitions that aren’t needed for the example from my file, and I’ve gotten to the point where if I remove a definition that is unused anywhere else in any files, the hash-ref starts working

2018-9-12 18:21:20

hash-ref also starts working if I move all the definitions that are important to a new file and just call it from there

2018-9-12 18:21:46

Like I said, I’m trying minimize my example, but I’m completely at a loss for how to approach this now

2018-9-12 18:21:50

Any ideas?

2018-9-12 18:22:54

@dthien can you post the code? that’s almost certainly a bug

2018-9-12 18:23:41

I can, but it’s part of a several-thousand line project that I haven’t been able to make any smaller

2018-9-12 18:26:54

I would report a bug on the racket/racket repository with reproduction instructions using your project

2018-9-12 18:27:23

Ok, thanks. I’ll do that now

2018-9-12 19:09:42

Ok, just posted the bug on racket/racket, let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help track down this bug

2018-9-12 19:15:43

@dthien thanks, that was easy to reproduce at least

2018-9-12 20:37:45

what’s the correct incantation to trigger verbose reporting of raco pkg install’s activity? I tried obvious possibilities such as -v -vv --verbose. Reading pkg source code I see there are log-pk-* functions so I tried setting PLTSTDOUT=debug@pkg to no avail.

2018-9-12 23:59:23

PLTSTDOUT=debug@pkg should have worked, although I recommend PLTSTDOUT="debug@pkg error" so you don’t lose error output. What raco pkg command were you trying? Maybe there’s just not much logging currently in place.

2018-9-13 00:21:22

I was trying raco pkg install I wanted to see if I could get more information on how that command made its decisions about content types of packages. I created a local directory catalog of a set of ‘binary-lib packages created using raco pkg create but trying to install using that catalog with —binary-lib option fails with a package content type not compatible with requested conversion error (or something along those lines, paraphrasing from memory) so was hoping logging could tell me more information. When I checked the relevant package’s info.rkt I see it has a field, I think pkg-content-type set to ‘binary-lib.

I stopped work for the day but plan to investigate more deeply tomorrow using the available documented API in the pkg collection.