2018-10-4 08:06:52

@zl7915 has joined the channel

2018-10-4 15:05:04

Can anyone say if it is normal that the majority of syscalls in a racket process are mprotect? I just happened to notice the 50% of the time of the process syscalls are dedicated to mprotect.

2018-10-4 15:05:50

This is typical of one of my racket places: $ sudo strace -c -p 2123 strace: Process 2123 attached strace: [ Process PID=2123 runs in x32 mode. ] strace: [ Process PID=2123 runs in 64 bit mode. ] ^Cstrace: Process 2123 detached % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 51.50 0.316650 1 244298 mprotect 30.99 0.190553 2 105547 mmap 14.68 0.090264 1 105502 munmap 2.30 0.014165 0 184388 1441 rt_sigreturn 0.33 0.002006 0 21246 futex 0.14 0.000852 0 11485 epoll_wait 0.06 0.000366 0 2883 getrusage ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 100.00 0.614856 675349 1441 total

2018-10-4 15:14:05

This looks actually like I am allocating way too much memory…

2018-10-4 15:49:13

@pocmatos that’s how the GC implements the write barrier

2018-10-4 18:07:21

Wishlist: nicer CSS for @tabular

2018-10-4 18:08:36

BTW, the mprotect implementing GC stuff has bit me before. Some other software I have installed sets the sysctl parameter vm.max_map_count to a lowish value and causes the Racket VM to eventually die.

2018-10-4 18:54:41

@samth where’s the best place to learn more about the racket gc?

2018-10-4 18:57:32

Awesome, that’s what I was going to ask for, if you had pointed me to https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/garbagecollection.html :slightly_smiling_face:

2018-10-4 19:25:45

@mflatt Any reason why (ffi-lib "portaudio") would fail on windows when portaudio is placed in the Racket/lib directory?

2018-10-4 19:25:47

I am seeing some kind of race condition with the use of places and it’s hard to pinpoint what it could be. When a race condition happens I see a D status in htop and the following top syscalls in strace: % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 69.59 0.203671 17 12339 mprotect 23.13 0.067702 0 306439 92277 futex

I think the mprotect call might be a red herring. The futex is the think I need to look into. Are GCs in anyway interacting between different places? I assumed each one had their own GC but might be wrong.

2018-10-4 19:27:57

yes, they have separate gcs

2018-10-4 19:34:27

My first guess is that “portaudio.dll” imports other DLLs that have not been loaded first. I’d use Dependency Walker to look at the dependencies.

2018-10-4 19:41:56

Oh, that’s an interesting idea.

2018-10-4 19:42:08

And that might be why it works on most windows machines.

2018-10-4 19:42:46

So this might be because of @jbclements’s library. (And windows being…windows…)

2018-10-4 19:44:42

Odd, it can’t find a bunch of API-MS-WIN-CORE-* libraries.

2018-10-4 19:53:16

@mflatt Can you remind me which window of dependency walker is the one I should be looking at?

2018-10-4 20:01:00

@samth thanks. this will be an interesting debugging session then… sigh

2018-10-4 20:02:51

Okay, it looks like MSVC100 is missing…maybe.

2018-10-4 20:38:48

That would make sense. I think “msvc100.dll” is a redistributable DLL from Microsoft that is meant to be provided with executables and libraries created by Visual Studio. Installing various software packages will cause it to be installed already.

2018-10-4 23:31:18

@pocmatos @samth is right, but there is also a GC for the shared memory space, where place channels, make-shared-bytes, etc. are allocated. Idk if that is relevant to your case at all (this is very low-level for me).

2018-10-5 06:20:47

@philip.mcgrath that’s good to know. today I will put my gdb-fu to work and debug racket to see where all of there futex calls are coming from.

2018-10-5 06:53:05

@cawright.99 has joined the channel