2018-10-31 07:04:47

@marc.elie77 has joined the channel

2018-10-31 13:35:47

@greg If I simply run the 7.1 installer, will it install on top of 7.0 or off to the side?

2018-10-31 13:59:22

On macOS they install side by side. Well, it’s not so much an “installer” as a .dmg unpacker that makes a new Applications directory with a name like “Racket <version>”. I forget how it works on Windows, it’s been some years. Hopefully someone else using Windows now can chime in and say.

2018-10-31 14:04:52

If you’re on Windows, then the default path suggested by the installer doesn’t have a version. You can add a version (or change the path in whatever way you like) to have multiple versions installed. If you don’t change the path, the installer isn’t be willing to overwrite a previous version, because that doesn’t work; instead, first run “uninstall.exe” in the existing installation.

2018-10-31 14:07:37

It would make sense to add boxes to the set of allowed place messages. I didn’t add it before because immutable boxes seem useless; then again, I imagine that the serializer uses a box as just a way to tag a value (to distinguish it in some way), since I’ve used that trick a few times. I can make the change to places sometime soon.

2018-10-31 15:58:58

what’s DrRacket’s logo today? it’s cool

2018-10-31 15:59:40

@shu—hung it’s a pumpkin carved with a lambda

2018-10-31 16:00:56

ohhh!! delicious! (I though it was melted iron steel, oops)

2018-10-31 16:01:15

Happy Halloweeeeen!
2018-10-31 16:59:14

Happy Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

2018-10-31 20:38:07

@mflatt Is the documentation for bound-identifier=? correct? As written, I think it’s wrong, or else I don’t understand it. It says: > Returns #t if the identifier a-id would bind b-id (or vice versa) if the identifiers were substituted in a suitable expression context at the phase level indicated by phase-level, #f otherwise. However, it’s easy to construct situations in which one identifier would bind another but the identifiers are not bound-identifier=?. Should the documentation say “*and* vice versa”, instead? That seems like the correct description of bound-identifier=?’s behavior to me.

2018-10-31 21:30:11

Yes, the documentation needs to be fixed.

2018-10-31 21:37:17

Was this documentation right in the past, on a previous iteration of the macro system, or has it always been wrong?

2018-10-31 21:56:51

It must have always been wrong.

2018-10-31 22:05:02

I thought before sets of scopes, the rule was two identifiers were bound-identifier=? if they were free-identifier=? and if their sets of marks were the same. (So, symmetric.)

2018-10-31 22:06:27

It might be good to add an asymmetric would-capture? predicate that predicts binding structure in the new system.

2018-10-31 22:55:13

2018-11-1 00:21:50

When I visit a documentation page that contains a table of contents (e.g.,, is there any way to have the whole shebang displayed on one page, so that I can print it without having to visit every subpage?

2018-11-1 00:33:37

@paul There are PDF versions of the documentation for all the packages in the main distribution available here:

2018-11-1 00:56:19

Ooh, nice. Thanks for linking me to it. Some systems have no pdf versions of their online documentation. Very good!

2018-11-1 04:17:18

what’s prop:blame for exactly? like, what effect does it have on contract error messages?

2018-11-1 04:18:20

the docs describe how value-blame can extract the blame object from something with the property attached but they don’t say anything about why you’d use value-blame, or whether or not the contract system calls value-blame implicitly anywhere

2018-11-1 06:15:12

@michaelmmacleod has joined the channel