2019-1-9 14:10:27

@javicasma has joined the channel

2019-1-9 17:08:42

2019-1-9 17:10:09

I have seen this, and I don’t know what causes it – the use of some API, I guess. Since it goes away after the very first time, I’ve only seen it once. Maybe it’s once per app, though, so I should try more.

2019-1-9 17:59:32

Does anyone know if the videos for the last racketcon will make it online?

2019-1-9 19:09:07

I had seen something like that before, but racket/gui doesn’t directly use anything labeled as the “Accessibility API”.

It turns out that the trigger is a call to CGEventTapCreate, which is there to compensate for a problem detecting a menu-bar click on 10.13. But it seems that 10.14 has returned to the old behavior in a corner of the event system, where CGEventTapCreate isn’t needed as a workaround (and the code falls back to the old behavior, just in case it helps, if CGEventTapCreate fails – which it does and does on 10.14). So, I can make the use of CGEventTapCreate 10.13-specific.

2019-1-9 19:43:40

Ah, I see that this is actually mentioned (under “Discussion”) here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coregraphics/1454426-cgeventtapcreate

2019-1-9 20:42:16

Except that racket/gui asks only for mouse events, not keyboard events.

2019-1-9 21:45:32

2019-1-9 22:05:52

The pkg-build machine can’t support references that aren’t catalog-resolved names, since the build virtual machine isn’t connected to the network

2019-1-9 22:11:43

Ah! I thought it was a fluke - a random connection to Github that failed.

I see now that https://github.com/thoughtstem/game-engine/blob/master/info.rkt refers to a specific version of lux.

2019-1-9 22:12:32

The question arose because a user on Reddit asked whether game-engine was abandoned (he noticed that the build failed).