2019-1-10 14:30:23

@greg are you aware of the issue that Alex just pointed out in frog? https://groups.google.com/d/msg/racket-users/OAXqQd7XYbc/1PIrHmSrDAAJ

2019-1-10 16:37:21

“Just” meaning “May 2018” ? :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-1-10 16:37:47

No, I hadn’t noticed that until seeing the more-recent thread, yesterday.

2019-1-10 16:39:00

My New Year’s resolution is to try to spend more time testing my stuff on Windows.

2019-1-10 16:40:41

The first couple days of which, has not been fun. Feels like death by a thousand cuts (e.g. getting GUI Emacs to work smoothly with any of Cygwin, Windows Subsystem for Linux, etc. Or, you can use terminal Emacs in WSL … but can’t update Emacs pkgs unless you install XServer. Because reasons.

2019-1-10 16:41:11

So my current mood is kind of FML. But I guess a New Year’s resolution isn’t any good if it’s easy. Has to be hard, like exercising or diet, right? :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-1-10 17:06:07

oh wow… sorry. :slightly_smiling_face: I guess I started reading too many old unread messages and went quite far back without realising.

2019-1-10 17:07:45

My guess is that exercising is easier and healthier than trying to get anything to work on windows… :smile: So, I won’t certainly be the one recommending it - any sane doctor won’t either assuming any new year resolution is supposed to improve your quality of life

2019-1-10 17:28:55

@greg death by a thousand cuts is an apt way to describe getting Unix-land to work on Windows.

Out of curiosity, have you tried MSYS2 yet? I’ve found it offers the easiest way getting unix tools to work well on Windows, including talking to other Windows tools without running into too many problems with binary or other data layout incompatibility issues

2019-1-10 17:29:25

You can even install a successfully working GUI emacs via MSYS2’s package system, no fiddling with missing dependencies