2019-1-13 19:53:42

I am using #:lang "racket/base" in a scribble document for an @examples... section of a scribble/base doc. However I am getting: Warning: some cross references may be broken due to undefined tags: (part ("(lib scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl)" "hash-lang"))

2019-1-13 19:53:59

What do I need to require here? I tried all sorts of combinations but it doesn’t seem to help.

2019-1-13 19:54:29

I thought for-label was something that could be useful but I got even more problems when I tried to use it.

2019-1-13 21:59:10

@pocmatos Does Greg’s suggestion work for you? https://lists.racket-lang.org/users/archive/2012-August/053522.html

2019-1-14 02:23:42

try the +m option … raco scribble +m file.scrbl

2019-1-14 02:30:46

hm, +m links to your local docs. I’m not sure how to make links into http://docs.racket-lang.org\|docs.racket-lang.org … maybe there’s a combination of +m and --redirect

2019-1-14 03:26:37

I’m in the middle of helping a student install a package, so only have a moment to note a bug and might not get around to filing it properly: the chinese translation of (string-constant install-pkg-dependencies-fail) uses a full-width colon character instead of a regular colon, causing > cadr: contract violation > expected: (cons/c any/c pair?) > given: #f > context...: > /Applications/Racket > v7.1/share/pkgs/gui-pkg-manager-lib/pkg/gui/private/by-source.rkt:534:4 > : adjust-deps method in by-source-panel%