2019-1-20 15:05:39

2019-1-20 15:06:54

Nothing in https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-forms/blob/master/forms-doc/forms.scrbl is doing anything w/ SSL as far as I’m aware.

2019-1-20 15:27:03

Requiring something like web-server/http almost certainly depends on the SSL library. Generally, it’s difficult to set up a sandbox for code that is actually untrusted but can still do complicated things. We mostly use call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration for documentation-example sandboxes.

2019-1-20 21:59:00

Got it. Thanks!

2019-1-20 23:40:11

I’m trying to help a colleague install a package with the DrRacket “File|Package Manager…” window on Windows 10. (Specifically, he is following these steps: https://docs.racket-lang.org/ricoeur-tei-utils/Installing___Updating_This_Library.html) He reports that, even from a fresh Racket 7.1 installation, installation fails with the error message: links: error reading from link file: #<path:C:\Users\Nordis\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.1\links.rktd>: C:\Users\Nordis\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.1\links.rktd::1: read: expected a `)` to close `(` Is this a known issue? The message doesn’t sound like it’s related to this particular package.

2019-1-20 23:47:07

It looks like that file has become corrupted. Probably the package manager could be better at repairing it. The file is in the user directory, not the installation, so that’s why a fresh installation doens’t help. I’d delete the “7.1” directory and try again.

2019-1-21 02:48:27

Thanks, that did it!