2019-2-2 08:42:38

@andreiformiga that i know, but for my use case just interested in Racket vs Julia

2019-2-2 15:50:57

I have just watched a very nice talk on Guile-Racket on FOSDEM, there are 2 more talk happening right now regarding Racket, here is a link to livestream:

2019-2-2 15:52:50

The one that ended was: “A Guiler’s Year of Racket” by Christopher Webber

2019-2-2 15:53:17

The one starting right now is: “Fractalide and Cantor A Racket application built with Flow-Based Programming” by Claes Wallin

2019-2-2 15:53:59

Finally last one will be: “Make your own language with Racket A kickstart workshop for the creative minds” by Jérôme Martin

2019-2-2 17:07:28

quick question about Frog ( is it possible to execute Racket in Markdown files like you can in Scribble, say, if I want to generate images with 2htdp?

2019-2-2 17:52:27

@d_run No. Well. I mean, there’s probably some way.

2019-2-2 17:54:38

Your frog.rkt’s enhance-body function can do things to xexprs. I suppose you could put HTML in the markdown file, have enhance-body notice it, do things, replace it, etc.

2019-2-2 17:54:52

i.e. that is how the pygments highlighting works

2019-2-2 17:55:49

<d_run_racket_code> ___ </d_run_racket_code>, your enhance-body notices that. etc.

2019-2-2 17:56:46

I’ll let you eval (equal? 'possible 'desirable) :smile:

2019-2-2 17:57:18

@greg I wanted to ask about something similar - what I would like to have is markdown as a preprocessor that could be working with different #langs so that I could have a hybrid system - something like #lang markdown scribble/manual @(require markdown/manual)

2019-2-2 17:58:15

so that I could specify in my own library the defaults for markdown depending on main #lang to be used including custom ones

2019-2-2 17:58:39

could current implementation of markdown be used in such manner

2019-2-2 17:59:46

the use case is for people that are familiar with markdown but would like to have more flexibility and a easy learning curve

2019-2-2 18:03:10

Do you mean something like write @markdown{This is _italic_ etc.} ? You could define that markdown function yourself I think, calling the markdown lib’s parse-markdown function, and somehow wrangling the xexprs into something Scribble wants.

2019-2-2 18:03:39

Which I added at someone’s request years ago but now can’t remember exactly who or why.

2019-2-2 18:03:50

So you could probably figure that out as quickly as me, these days. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2019-2-2 18:07:17

thanks I see it more as a document that starts as markdown until something more complicated is needed - then @something{more complicated} is used

2019-2-2 18:09:11

it looks like the “pre-Scribble” is almost there where I need it!

2019-2-2 18:09:47

@githree Pollen markdown mode is exactly what you describe I think

2019-2-2 18:13:06

@sorawee thanks, but I am thinking about the reverse to what pollen is doing, ie instead of pollen preprocessing to get md file use markdown to generate (in this case) pollen tags

2019-2-2 18:27:17

@greg one question about Frog…e.g. Nikola (python ssg) can invoke external compilers to process posts written in e.g. AsciiDoc markup (using Ruby implementation called Asciidoctor), Hugo can invoke (python) rst2html (to e.g. process posts written in reStructuredText markup, so I’m curious if it would be easy to add capability to Frog to use some ‘non-native’ markup for which there is no Racket-powered parser available (yet)?

2019-2-2 18:31:42

I don’t know.

2019-2-2 18:32:23

But probably doing that wouldn’t be as easy as not doing it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2019-2-2 18:47:01

heh, if the latter is easy, than the former could be doable without (too) much pain :smile:

2019-2-2 18:58:50

@greg would you accept PR with an added reader so it would work as mentioned or would you rather have it as separate package?

2019-2-2 19:01:41

I see there is similar PR by Leif hence the question

2019-2-2 19:02:50

@githree I think it’s hard for me to say without seeing the PR? If it seems too complicated for me to understand quickly, and feel good about maintaining long-term, I might ask separate package? But then you’d have to redo it as a separate package. :disappointed:

2019-2-2 19:03:57

I’m kind of in maintenance mode for Frog, at least for the foreseeable future. I have too much else on my plate, and I haven’t worked deeply on the code for a couple years now. I still use it, dogfood it. It’s not going to be abandonware. But maybe not big expandware.

2019-2-2 19:04:28

A simple reader change could be cool… unless it isn’t cool. Sorry I feel like a prima dona but just trying to be honest.

2019-2-2 19:04:48

OK I will see first how it works with systems like Pollen and Scribble and then we will see if it is even worth

2019-2-2 19:05:29

Sorry to be a downer it sounds like a cool idea and if it were a few years ago I’d enthusiastically jump in and actively help.

2019-2-2 19:05:44

no problem :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-2-2 22:24:57

Racket 7.2 PPAs are cooking… will be ready later today hopefully

2019-2-2 23:39:13

Anyone had a Inlining expected for #<procedure:extflvector-length>. error during build on 7.2?

2019-2-3 00:05:24

With scribble/example, if I define this at the module level: (define module-sharing-evaluator-factory (make-base-eval-factory (list 'racket/base 'my/module 'my/other/module)) …will the instantiations of those modules be collectable by the GC?

2019-2-3 00:15:14

On a platform where extflonums are not supported? It looks like an old Racket bug that is probably triggered by a new-to-v7.2 use of extflonum-length in rackunit.

2019-2-3 00:21:08

It’s on an i386 build and not sure if extflonums are supported or not, but it only errored on one of several builds so I suspect they are available. Here’s the detailed build log: Edit: and it indeed does look like it’s building rackunit docs when it aborts.

2019-2-3 02:48:57

Commit 80f84f2132 should fix the problem. I’ll alert the release managers to see if we should do more than have a patch available.

2019-2-3 03:07:56

Yes, after the document is rendered. But probably not before the document finishes, which is why there’s close-eval.

2019-2-3 03:54:37

So there shouldn’t be memory management issues if I do this? #lang scribble/manual @(define module-sharing-evaluator-factory (make-base-eval-factory (list 'racket/base 'my/module 'my/other/module)) ... some docs ... @(examples #:eval (module-sharing-evaluator-factory) #:once (do-stuff))

2019-2-3 04:01:41

Yes, using #:once is a good approach.