2019-2-14 13:02:07

@soegaard2 Moving to the correct channel, then… :wink: How in Turnstile can you associate a type with an identifier? All the examples I’ve seen so far are like the lambda calculus, where there’s no top-level binding (no define): they determine the type of a whole expression, not an identifier that has been bound to an expression or tagged with a type that it’s supposed to have. Turnstile seems to do everything via syntax-properties, which AFAICT can only associate values with a syntax object, i.e. it won’t resolve identifiers bound with define. (I’m probably misunderstanding something important here.)

2019-2-14 14:51:36

2019-2-14 15:16:53

@samth Thanks! I’ll check this out tonight, before I proceed any further with my (growing) DSL.

2019-2-14 18:01:16

@pmatos @pocmatos Great initiative! Racket News: https://racket-news.com/

2019-2-14 19:27:56

@daniel.kvasnicka.jr has joined the channel

2019-2-14 19:33:33

@soegaard2 Thanks. I have been thinking about it for awhile but been waiting for someone else to do it. :slightly_smiling_face: Last May I decided to take the plunge and register the domain. Then I took awhile to get it off the ground but here it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Hopefully will get some submissions from other people, I guess it’ll be hard for me to survey everything that’s happening in Racket world on a regular basis. Feel free to just create an issue with a link to a video/paper/blog you’d like featured on Racket News, or even an interesting project or library.

2019-2-14 20:39:18

Cute trick on the Racket logo for V Day

2019-2-14 22:07:28

@abbyrjones72 has joined the channel

2019-2-14 22:08:26

Hi everyone. I am new to scheme/lisp/racket and loving it.

2019-2-14 22:19:32

Hi Abby, welcome to Racket! You’ll love it here!

2019-2-14 22:23:29

ty :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-2-15 07:25:16

@siva.rk.sw has joined the channel