2019-4-26 13:22:41

@luke.whittlesey has joined the channel

2019-4-26 15:37:20

Oh for heaven’s sake…. does anyone know what CentOS 7.5 texlive package provides “relsize.sty” (for instance)? It looks to me like “yum whatprovides” is supposed to do this kind of thing when called with *relsize.sty, but I’m not getting any love.

2019-4-26 17:07:10

@jbclements Guessing here. Is there a package named ltxmisc ?

2019-4-26 17:08:10

(Guess based on a footnote in a document describing relsize)

2019-4-26 17:32:25

Well, there is, and I already have it installed, and it doesn’t include relsize.sty, sigh. Many thanks.

2019-4-26 17:32:47

@soegaard2 forgot to tag you on my reply. Thanks!

2019-4-27 01:16:26

I’ve grown to really like the multi-in from from racket/require. A couple racket-mode features didn’t really support it. I recently got a chance to improve this. Should be on MELPA by now. A little blog post about it:

2019-4-27 02:53:59

chugging my way through doc dependencies… anyone happen to know whether modern versions of texlive have out-of-the-box support for CJK (chinese/japanese/korean) characters? The build is failing on the JSON docs which use unicode non-ASCII chars, and pdflatex is curiously not complaining about a missing .sty file or package, which makes me think that maybe it’s now built-in. Yes, I know, it’s hard to imagine what this has to do with Racket… the answer is that it’s one more step in provisioning a new machine to be able to build the racket pre-release bundles.

2019-4-27 04:04:42

@jbclements failing in what way? and which aspect of texlive?

2019-4-27 04:07:35

Ah! okay, nvm, turns out that one is just unusual in that there’s no \include. Yum search came up good on that one, finally, and we’re off to the races again. My linode debian vm is catching up, though; we’ll see which one wins.