2019-4-30 13:24:05

Not in the short term. While Chez Scheme offers more support for OS-managed threads than the current Racket VM, it’s not safe, so Racket won’t expose that directly in safe mode. But besides futures and places, there is ffi/unsafe/os-thread.

2019-4-30 13:52:08

One way that RacketCS differs in terms of parallelism is that more operations are “future-safe” on RacketCS than on traditional Racket.

2019-4-30 19:45:29

@mflatt you know those benchmarks and nice graphs you generate to compare Racket and Racket CS? I would like to run those in CI to obtain an history of how Racket’s performance changes through time. Are those benchmarks and scripts somewhere public? If there are other benchmarks more appropriate for this use-case feel free to let me know.

2019-4-30 19:46:56

The benchmarks are in the “racket-benchmark” package (which is in the main repo). The scripts to generate the graphs are not, but I can clean them up and package them sometime soon.

2019-4-30 20:08:48

Thanks. The scripts for now are not so important. I will get the benchmarks running first.

2019-4-30 20:28:39

Is there a reason Travis is shut off on the racket/racket repo?

2019-4-30 20:53:57

No idea. I don’t touch travis. Maybe @samth knows?

2019-4-30 20:54:12

@lexi.lambda really? That seems bad

2019-4-30 20:55:32

I was trying to see if there was some kind of audit log for the Travis CI settings, but I couldn’t find one.

2019-4-30 21:08:14

If neither of you nor @mflatt disabled it, then I guess I’ll just try turning it back on and see if it shuts off again. If it does, and nobody knows why, maybe we should figure out how to tighten the permissions on Travis. I haven’t been able to figure out how exactly that works, but it seems to use something like GH push access?

2019-4-30 21:09:11

I didn’t disable it. (At least, not on purpose.)

2019-4-30 21:10:40

Okay, I’ll try re-enabling it then. (I mostly asked since the last commit that was built seemed to have been yours, but that doesn’t really mean anything, and I don’t think the information about how exactly it got disabled exists.)

2019-4-30 21:43:51

No worries—it’s good to know for certain it was just an accident rather than someone malicious, as unlikely as I imagine it would be that anyone would go to the effort of nefariously disabling CI for an open-source programming language project. :)