2019-7-31 08:16:49

Such a great idea :smile: I’m participating right away!

2019-7-31 14:21:02

And thank you @jab, I didn’t know about (<first-few-letters-of-a-word>Cmd-/ and I’ve been using DrRacket for years.

2019-7-31 14:24:37

The files can be put on a website, or pushed through a messaging system, or available for FTP download, or come from a satellite dish, or a TCP socket, there are many ways we get these things. Often we have multiple ways, in case a particular system goes down. NOAA even has a system based on XMPP (like AOL chat groups), so I had to write code to pretend to be a user joining a chat to receive some messages there, because that’s where a particular kind of message was being shared.

2019-7-31 19:46:01

Filed suggesting UX improvements to make this more discoverable. Please comment or emoji-react if the spirit moves you. :blush:

2019-7-31 20:03:45

Sold out!

2019-7-31 20:16:24

Good idea

2019-7-31 20:16:36

30 minutes to process 471 files / 42GB of weather observations from DWD (Deutsche Wetterdienst) using Racket.

2019-7-31 20:17:20

@jab Just in my own individual opinion, make things like this easy to turn off. I generally find them distracting at best. I find the variable completions in Visual Studio Code somewhat useful, but I really hate when I type “src(”, and a big window pops up describing src. I already know what src does, the pop-up is distracting, and it often covers up stuff on the screen I really want to see. I think my opinion is unusual, though, and I’d hate to argue against adding features other people find useful. (VS Code also has hundreds of options, and different IDEs/editors use different names for the same thing, so it’s hard to figure out how to turn things off. Good documentation helps. Just occurred to me: a Web page “How to turn features off”.)

2019-7-31 20:17:20

The sicp course: is sold out!

2019-7-31 20:18:14

All his courses usually sell out. Granted, they’re small. But he’s amazing!

2019-7-31 20:24:42

@jab @bill_temps I agree with both - on by default for learners, AND easy to turn off so unwanted features don’t annoy the more experienced.

2019-7-31 20:37:55

schism, a one-file self-hosted scheme-to-wasm compiler: “has lots of unfinished bits but it is a delight to see a reader, printer, expander, compiler, and assembler in 1500 lines”

2019-7-31 20:41:53

This is awesome :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-7-31 21:05:33

> Chez Scheme was used to bootstrap, but development no longer relies on an existing Scheme implementation and can instead run purely based on snapshots checked into the repository. The compiler can also bootstrap from GNU Guile.

Very interesting

2019-7-31 23:10:45

and on by default for people like me, who forget it exists or forget the keyboard shortcut but actually really enjoy using autocompletion

2019-7-31 23:35:59

nice blog post by Sam TH on gradual typing (on a new SIGPLAN blog):

2019-7-31 23:36:35

did SIGPLAN make that picture?

2019-8-1 00:21:47

Disabling contracts? I am almost sure the answer is yes - but how?

2019-8-1 00:32:56

something option contracts would do?

2019-8-1 01:01:35

As I understand, option contracts are data structure contracts. It’s almost definitely not the right answer to the question “how to disable contract”

2019-8-1 01:02:07

I’m kinda surprised it’s mentioned every time this question is brought up

2019-8-1 01:19:24

IIRC you cannot currently do that. You could make a module with contracted provides and also have a not protected version, but that would mean having to switch around all of your requires to use the right ones during development/release. Also not everyone follows that practice currently.

2019-8-1 01:21:37

2019-8-1 01:23:46

@ghvanw283 has joined the channel

2019-8-1 01:41:26

Does anyone know of any project / paper / course that has used Racket at CMU, now or in the past?

2019-8-1 01:50:46

I mentioned the post & course to Gerry Sussman, who replied: “Cool! It is nice that people still think our work is helpful to them.”