2019-8-3 17:25:19

Any ideas?

#lang racket
(require racket/draw racket/class pict)

(define font (make-object font% 100. 'roman 'slant 'bold))

(dc (λ (dc x y)
      ; Sanity check: make sure we have the identity transformation
      (displayln (send dc get-transformation))
      ; Make a path with the outline of "Racket".
      ; The call places the top left at 0 0.
      (define p (new dc-path%))
      (send p text-outline font "Racket" 0 0 #f)
      ; Let's check the bounding box:
      (define-values (left top w h) (send p get-bounding-box))
      (displayln (list 'bbox 'left-top left top 'wh w h))
    1 1)

; #(#(1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0)
; (bbox left-top -3.02734375 5.125 wh <tel:288.7890625\|288.7890625> 71.390625)

; Huh? The top left is not (0,0) ?!

2019-8-3 20:06:13

how significant is FFI overhead? Is it reasonable to use a C math lib?

2019-8-3 20:06:49

(I know racket has its own math lib, but the stated x50 slowdown in untyped racket seems a bit too much)

2019-8-3 20:08:18

Where is the x50 slow down mentioned?

2019-8-3 20:10:13

That comment is for array indexing only (but that’s bad enough).

2019-8-3 20:10:55

@samth Do you know whether things have been improved in the mean time? (I think that comment is several years old).

2019-8-3 20:16:10

Wrt to the FFI question. It depends on how you use it. What takes time is crossing the boundary between Racket and C. If the time actually spent in C is small, then you will see a large slowdown (and vice versa).

2019-8-3 20:43:16

what does indexing mean in this context? I’d assume it’d happen on any matrix multiplication, no?

2019-8-3 20:51:00

Actually no. The matrix library is implemented in Typed Racket, so inside the matrix library indexing is fast.

2019-8-3 20:52:44

What takes some time is going from untyped (normal) Racket (R) to Typed Racket (TR). On the boundary it is checked that the value from R actually is the type that the TR functions expects as input.

2019-8-3 20:53:17

Normally these checks are fast, but for -reasons- arrays are tricky.

2019-8-3 20:54:25

Inside a TR module (such as the matrix library) the type checker knows that all values have the correct types, so there is no checking at runtime.

2019-8-3 20:55:03

For most of the math library (the special functions, number theory, statictics etc.) there are no problems.

2019-8-3 20:55:19

But perhaps you need matrices specifically?

2019-8-3 20:56:01

If you want to experiment with a FFI matrix library, I can dig one up. Then you can benchmark.

2019-8-3 21:21:54

Also if you can code the “inner loop” portion of your program in TR you can avoid the checking costs.

2019-8-3 21:22:44

uhh I’m debating on how to implement bits and pieces of reusable code in context of making a game, and code would probably jump alot between entity’s logic update or render inside the loop (eg calculating camera transform matrix for the object, or things like updating positino = velocity * delta etc) and the place where math operations are actually implemented. Since I want it to be reusable, I don’t want to use my own written stuff, since that’d mean either imposing user to use it everywhere or write converter. Two options I see are either use math stuff provided by the lib I’m already using for graphics, or use racket’s math lib.

I hoped there would be a straightforward answer of FFI vs TR boundary thing, but if there’s not then I’ll think I’ll experiment with it myself

2019-8-3 21:53:02

No easy answer.