2019-9-3 11:18:45

Hi All, All the entries are in for the summer picture competition. Entries can be found forked at https://github.com/standard-fish and in https://github.com/standard-fish/summer-competititon-2019/tree/master/entries where they were sent in via email/slack/gist.

2019-9-3 11:19:06

I’ll be sending stickers to all 11 winners.

2019-9-3 12:45:18

:wave: Hi all. Expanding out from the user list.

2019-9-3 15:10:03

Hi, It has occurred to me that I was running the image competition while on holidays so may have missed an entry.

If you did enter and have not been given credit please contact me so I can add you to the list.

2019-9-3 17:17:47

For the record, it’s hilarious that that’s the test case for the contributors script

2019-9-3 17:48:17


2019-9-3 17:48:53

@notjack ^

2019-9-3 17:54:16

@soegaard2 Haven’t used it, and am on mobile at work so can’t thoroughly look into it, but that collect ... into part looks interesting

2019-9-3 17:55:03

There is a note on that at the end.

2019-9-3 19:01:02

@soegaard2 So I noticed that macro does a really really useful thing: it lets you take multiple kinds of loop aggregations (reducers), bind their final results to variables, and then use those variables in a final expression (using the finally clause). In other words, it lets you “zip” independent reductions together. The reducer equivalent would be an operator like (reducer-zip [zip-function procedure?] [reducer reducer?] ...) -> reducer?, which you could use to compute the average of a stream like this:

(define into-average
  (reducer-zip (lambda (sum count) (/ sum count)) into-sum into-count))

(for/reducer into-average ...)

That’s a really powerful operator that lets you do lots of stuff (it’s an Applicative instance for reducers). Definitely want to add that to rebellion. Filed https://github.com/jackfirth/rebellion/issues/186 for it.

2019-9-3 21:08:44

Is there an easy analogue of @secref in scribble that generates “Section ##”, without the text of the section title? I’d like to avoid manually writing @seclink["tag"]{Section ##}, and let scribble figure out the number for me…