2019-9-16 07:23:19

I’m running into an unexpected problem with the package build server. I created libsass yesterday, which distributes pre-built versions of libsass for mac and linux and, instead of using git as the package source, I used an archive hosted on one of my servers. The package server reports the expected checksum as 8c9f5c0f0fdb6862dc6b3c5a86cd28452af293df, which is what my *.CHECKSUM file contains, but the build server reports:

pkg: mismatched checksum on package
  package source: <https://racket.defn.io/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz>
  expected: "23613da41a38e7b0ebb76a68c0a724612ee1b76f"
  got: "8c9f5c0f0fdb6862dc6b3c5a86cd28452af293df"

2019-9-16 07:23:47

But if I grab the package from the server and run sha1sum on it, I get:

root@3e31274f96d8:/# sha1sum racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz
8c9f5c0f0fdb6862dc6b3c5a86cd28452af293df  racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz

2019-9-16 07:25:58
root@3e31274f96d8:/# raco pkg install --name libsass <https://racket.defn.io/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz>
Downloading checksum for libsass
Downloading <https://racket.defn.io/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz>
raco setup: version: 7.4
raco setup: platform: x86_64-linux-natipkg [3m]
raco setup: target machine: racket
raco setup: installation name: 7.4
raco setup: variants: 3m
raco setup: main collects: /usr/share/racket/collects
raco setup: collects paths:
raco setup:   /root/.racket/7.4/collects
raco setup:   /usr/share/racket/collects
raco setup: main pkgs: /usr/share/racket/pkgs
raco setup: pkgs paths:
raco setup:   /usr/share/racket/pkgs
raco setup:   /root/.racket/7.4/pkgs
raco setup: links files:
raco setup:   /usr/share/racket/links.rktd
raco setup:   /root/.racket/7.4/links.rktd
raco setup: main docs: /usr/share/racket/doc
raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---                    [7:25:29]
raco setup: updating: /root/.racket/7.4/share/info-cache.rktd
raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---                     [7:25:29]
raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries ---                   [7:25:29]
raco setup: --- installing shared files ---                        [7:25:29]
raco setup: --- compiling collections ---                          [7:25:29]
raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 jobs ---                    [7:25:29]
raco setup: 3 making: &lt;pkgs&gt;/libsass
raco setup: 3 making: &lt;pkgs&gt;/libsass/artifacts
raco setup: --- creating launchers ---                             [7:25:31]
raco setup: --- installing man pages ---                           [7:25:31]
raco setup: --- building documentation ---                         [7:25:31]
raco setup: --- installing collections ---                         [7:25:32]
raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---                    [7:25:32]

… and raco seems to happily install it in this docker container

2019-9-16 07:34:08

@popa.bogdanp no idea why the checksum stuff is being weird, but just wanted to say that using GitHub Actions to build the libsass packages is a super neat idea

2019-9-16 07:46:31

Thanks! I ran out of time yesterday, so I gave up on the idea temporarily, but I’ll come back to it. Ideally, GH Actions would build the artifacts and commit them to the repo (stored using git lfs), but I haven’t checked if raco pkg supports lfs. I assume it doesn’t so what I think I’ll end up doing is have GH Actions build the artifacts and then generate the final tar file and ship it to my server.

2019-9-16 08:06:50

Does anyone have the hirez graphic file for the [:racket-flat:Racket] (logo and name) sticker on devswag? https://devswag.com/products/racket

Tia Stephen

[Getting stickers sent outside the US postal system adds and extra $16 to the price at devswag, so I’ve found local sticker printers but while I have the hires logo artwork (on wikipedia), I don’t have the logo&text artwork :white_frowning_face: - I used redbubble for the Australians, and am working out what do do for the European winners]

2019-9-16 08:18:58

Still on this - sorry it’s delaying racket#2808 - is there a way to see which absolute path is found for the dll ? I have probably around 15 instances of this file on my C: with different versions.

2019-9-16 08:47:41

So, on windows dll discovery follows %PATH% it seems. I should be able to find the bad/old dll now, I guess.

2019-9-16 10:36:50

You are right. It must be a continuation of the example that begins: > After mastering the world of blogging software, you decide to put the ubiquitous http://Add-Two-Numbers.com\|Add-Two-Numbers.com out of business with http://Sum.com\|Sum.com:

2019-9-16 10:40:31

@popa.bogdanp Just summing up. The build-server gets the correct file with the correct checksum, but for some reason, it expects a wrong checksum. That is, it ignores your checksum file?

2019-9-16 10:48:36

The way I interpret that error is its own sha of the tar file was “23613da41a38e7b0ebb76a68c0a724612ee1b76f”, and my checksum file contained “8c9f5c0f0fdb6862dc6b3c5a86cd28452af293df”

2019-9-16 10:49:12

The latter is the real checksum of the file so I’m not sure how the package server got “23613da41a38e7b0ebb76a68c0a724612ee1b76f”.

2019-9-16 10:49:29

Maybe it was interrupted in the middle of downloading the file so it ended up with a truncated file

2019-9-16 10:49:38
pkg: mismatched checksum on package
  package source: <https://racket.defn.io/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz>
  expected: "23613da41a38e7b0ebb76a68c0a724612ee1b76f"
  got: "8c9f5c0f0fdb6862dc6b3c5a86cd28452af293df"

2019-9-16 10:50:03

Sure it is not the other way around?

2019-9-16 10:50:54

Hmm. Depends on the perspective of the build server.

2019-9-16 10:51:36

Looks like you’re right:

$ echo "foo" &gt; dist/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz.CHECKSUM
$ raco pkg install --name libsass2 dist/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz
raco pkg install: mismatched checksum on package
  package source: dist/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz
  expected: "foo\n"
  got: "8c9f5c0f0fdb6862dc6b3c5a86cd28452af293df"

2019-9-16 10:52:21


$ curl <https://racket.defn.io/racket-libsass-3.6.1.tar.gz.CHECKSUM>

so that’s even more bizarre

2019-9-16 10:54:32

Is this were the checking happens?

2019-9-16 12:09:59

My current theories are that it either

• saved the checksum that I had uploaded when I first created the package on the package server and then tried to compare that saved checksum to an updated version of the archive that I later uploaded, without retrieving the new checksum file, or • it tried to build the package while I was uploading an updated version of the archive.

The latter doesn’t seem that likely since, afaict, package builds run late in the afternoon my time and the last time I uploaded the package was around noon. Either way, I’ve edited the package and I’m hoping that’ll trigger a new build in a few hours so we’ll see what happens then.

2019-9-16 13:11:37

You could probably use GH Releases to host the tarball

2019-9-16 13:13:36

So Racket find the ssleay.dll distributed with Intel iCLS, which is really old. :disappointed: Annoying. Should/Could we do a DLL version check before using it for ffi? It should be technically possible, but I have never played much with Windows dll stuff.

2019-9-16 13:28:39

Good idea. I’ll have to give that a try

2019-9-16 13:30:38

Well, this is a build-specific problem, since Racket always looks in its own “lib” directory first. Building Racket on Windows is difficult enough without trying to accommodate hostile installations… :slightly_smiling_face:

A way to make progress on the build is to manually put the right “ssleay32.dll” and “libeay32.dll” in the “racket/lib” directory. You can get them here, if needed: https://github.com/racket/libs/tree/master/racket-win32-x86_64-3/racket

2019-9-16 15:17:43

Is this1 a reasonable use of expand-import? I’m trying to export specialized versions of certain functions from a couple of modules and I would prefer to not have to list them all. It seems to work fine, but is it going to come back to bite me in the butt later?

2019-9-16 15:20:58

I think that’s reasonable, but …

2019-9-16 15:21:47

could you instead have provide-easy-version be (provide (easy-version ...)) by using a provide pre-transformer and then just use except-out instead of defining that macro at all?

2019-9-16 15:22:34

I’ll give that a try

2019-9-16 19:07:44

Did that - now working. Thanks.

2019-9-16 19:24:17

Does anyone know if we actually have the rights for the images used in 2htdp/planetcute?

2019-9-16 19:24:53

As far as I can tell, the documentation just links to a (mostly broken) old page from the author that doesn’t list any sort of license.

2019-9-16 19:25:06

And the Racket source code doesn’t seem to have a license.

2019-9-16 19:25:10

(for those images)

2019-9-16 19:25:59

@spdegabrielle Umm…. @ben might have some off hand?

2019-9-16 19:26:28

2019-9-16 19:26:53

@spdegabrielle You can also find svg images of it (and some past ones) at https://users.cs.northwestern.edu/~robby/logos/

2019-9-16 19:26:59

thanks @robby ^.^

2019-9-16 19:27:13

@soegaard2 Yup, they do.

2019-9-16 19:27:24

(At least according to the link in the docs)

2019-9-16 19:27:56

But there still isn’t any license attached on that page. (At least not any that I’ve found.)

2019-9-16 19:31:23

@leif This page has a paragraph “The License”: http://www.lostgarden.com/search/label/free%20game%20graphics

2019-9-16 19:31:53

2019-9-16 19:33:28

@leif the @robby logos page doesn’t include the image for the ‘racket’ sticker

2019-9-16 19:35:50

@soegaard2 ah, okay, thanks.

2019-9-16 19:36:07

(Oey, almost every link on that website seams broken, and just takes me to the home page.)

2019-9-16 19:36:35

Yeah, very annoying. I attempted to download the zip-file with the graphics. A no go.

2019-9-16 19:37:21

I see.

2019-9-16 19:37:37

Also, the Basic Licensing and Cloning sections seem to contradict each other. :confused:

2019-9-16 19:37:48


2019-9-16 19:41:40

2019-9-16 19:41:47

The problematic bits being the “All licensed items use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.” from the first section, and “You are expressly forbidden to use my graphics in a clone of one of my commercial games.” in the second.

2019-9-16 19:45:20

@spdegabrielle Sadly nah. That seems to point to the same page as @soegaard2’s search pops up. :confused:

2019-9-16 19:46:16

It does say: > I no longer work as a contract artist and haven’t for well over a decade. I do however provide several sets of ancient artwork intended for use by indies. These are provided as is. I will not be updating them, but you are welcome to mash them up as desired.

2019-9-16 19:46:46

I mean, it probably isn’t a problem for racket….as ccy-by is (iirc) compatible with the lgpl.

2019-9-16 19:46:58

Depending on how that ‘cloning’ clause plays out anyway.

2019-9-16 19:47:13

I suppose he changed the original “license” from “don’t use it commercially” to “CCA 3.0” at some point.

2019-9-16 19:47:21

I’m hoping to organise a gamejam at some point.

2019-9-16 19:47:30

He should update his site.

2019-9-16 19:48:24

@spdegabrielle Cool.

2019-9-16 19:48:45

@soegaard2 Ideally yes. Although I get the impression he doesn’t care enough to do that.

2019-9-16 19:48:57

Planet-cute was on the list of resources

2019-9-16 19:50:00

@spdegabrielle I see.

2019-9-16 19:50:19

@spdegabrielle On your racket sticker question, do you know what font that is?

2019-9-16 19:50:24

It looks like source code pro to me.

2019-9-16 19:50:59

If so, it should be pretty trivial to put the SVG lambda next to the word Racket written in that font.

2019-9-16 19:51:12

I thought it might be a MB font?

2019-9-16 19:51:13

Like, I could quickly do it if that helped.

2019-9-16 19:51:26

It might be. Not sure which though.

2019-9-16 19:52:44

I thought it looked good. (Good enough to adorn my old laptop :grinning:)

2019-9-16 19:53:33

I don’t trust myself to do as nice a job- so if you could do a new version that would be great.

2019-9-16 19:54:10


2019-9-16 19:54:19

Although I will ask @ben if he has a copy first. :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-9-16 19:56:06

@soegaard2 Going back to planet cute, if only I could find a zip of those assets. Presuming it had a license in it, that would make it much clearer what the license is.

2019-9-16 19:56:28

2019-9-16 19:58:41

Yup, that has it. Sadly he didn’t put a license in that zip file. :disappointed:

2019-9-16 20:17:27

There doesn’t appear to be anyone with the ability to change the topic in the IRC channel anymore. It’s stuck on Racket 7.3

2019-9-16 20:37:37

Done. sorry, I accidentally got disconnected.

2019-9-16 21:17:45

@spdegabrielle @leif here are the two SVG files I used for stickers (circle + rectangle)

2019-9-16 21:30:26

Thanks @ben

2019-9-16 21:30:35

Does that work for you @spdegabrielle?

2019-9-16 23:49:23

nice! thanks @ben @leif