2019-10-10 08:18:55

I had this problem (I’m new to Racket package management). I ended up not using the convenient --clone flag and manually cloning and installing. In your example it would mean git clone .../pict, raco pkg install pict/pict-lib/. I would be interested to know if others have solved this another way because the multi-clone feature of the --clone seams too convenient to give up on.

2019-10-10 17:29:35

Hmm. I had already cloned the repo myself using GitHub desktop though.

2019-10-10 17:31:54

My steps were: 1. Fork pict 2. Clone my fork 3. Go to the root directory of my fork 4. Run raco pkg update --scope installation --link --clone pict-lib/ pict-doc/ pict/