2019-12-15 08:22:08

Great! Thanks for trying that out. On the version with just Matthew’s changes are you able to cancel a scroll midway? I.e. throw the scroll up or down and then place your hand on the trackpad to stop it from scrolling? Or even throw the scroll in one direction and then halfway through start scrolling in the other? What happens if you repeatedly scroll up and down on a large file? In all of those cases, the scroll ends up moving on its own for me for long after I’ve done the scrolling motions. I’m not 100% sure about this, but I think something like what I’ve done is necessary to be able to cancel the scrolling animation.

I think that if setting the framerate to the correct value based on the display doesn’t make things worse on powerful machines but still offers an improvement on less powerful ones, then that’s probably the simplest route to take. Another route could be to switch between the two behaviors based on a global preference.

I’ll experiment some more once my new machine gets here. I’ll be able to test this change on 3 generations (2012, 2016, 2019) of Retina MBPs then.

2019-12-15 09:42:49

@robby I just pushed another commit1 that I think should improve things further for you. Would you mind giving it a try?

2019-12-15 20:52:36

@borblytams has joined the channel

2019-12-15 20:54:06

hi, there! anyone can help where to start? have a learning gruop?

2019-12-15 20:54:45

See the channel #beginners

2019-12-15 21:15:57

Is there a package for fuzzy string matching, a la https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximate_string_matching?

2019-12-15 21:20:24

@michaelmmacleod Not sure. I am reminded of https://docs.racket-lang.org/levenshtein/index.html but it’s not quite the same. But maybe it can used, if your pattern is simple?

2019-12-15 21:22:05

@soegaard2 I think that’ll work, thanks!

2019-12-15 23:29:22

I’ll comment on the pr but yeah: reversing the direction of the scroll works way better in your version!

2019-12-16 05:43:43

@mantyjaska has joined the channel