2019-12-22 15:15:26

Thanks @soegaard2 for the math library :slightly_smiling_face:

2019-12-22 15:15:53

Happy it is used!

2019-12-22 23:22:40

Q: What is the magic raco incantation to fix broken documentation?

2019-12-22 23:36:09

A: raco setup --doc-index

2019-12-23 07:19:25

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if there any async monadic style lib for Racket? Or is it the Racket-y way to do async operations?

For example, in OCaml, we could combine some delay result async by

let letbind689 () = let%bind x = return 6 in let%bind y = return 8 in let%bind z = return 9 in printf "7 + 8 + 9 = %d\n" (x + y + z); return() I just used return x to mock the async response.

As in Racket, shall we start 3 threads to get the 3 responses and using Mailbox to get the result?