2019-12-26 19:11:26

@mflatt (or @robby?) What does MrEd and/or DrRacket use with the descent , space, rspace, and lspace fields in a snip’s get-extent method?

2019-12-26 19:12:55

I mean, I know some of the pict combiners use descent for text in pictures, but as far as I can tell, pasteboard% and text% mostly just use width and height.

2019-12-26 19:13:30

Maybe…descent to try to automatically align string snips….but that’s the only use I can think of.

2019-12-26 20:06:55

Editors use the vertical ones for line alignment. Space can get for top alignment, or decent for baseline alignment, for example. I don’t think lspace or rspace has ever been used.

2019-12-27 04:37:56

Okay, thanks. :slightly_smiling_face: