2020-1-15 09:51:00

Hi everyone. I want to gauge interest in developing an Intellij plugin for Racket. I looked around and didn’t find one (there is a simple one for Scheme).

I currently use a mixture of greghendershott’s racket-mode for emacs (thanks!), and DrRacket (thanks!).

I’ve starting looking at making an Intellij plugin but was wondering if anybody else would be interested.

2020-1-15 10:05:09

@aymano.osman id love it to exist ! however realistically ill have zero time to help out making it a reality :slightly_smiling_face: ive been using it as an excuse/motivation to get to grips properly with emacs

2020-1-15 14:12:27

I did not know about the rebellion package. Thanks!

2020-1-15 14:26:26

I use IntelliJ for Scala at work, and a little for Java and Haskell. IntelliJ+Racket sounds intriguing. Right now I use Emacs for Racket when I have to do rapid-fire changes I have confidence in, my Emacs-fu is strong because I’ve been using it for more than 35 years and it manages to keep up with many of the latest developments. In particular Emacs helps me with Racket because of dired-mode and macros and @greg’s racket-mode, all of which help to keep my workflow fast & productive. I use DrRacket when I start to get into thorny syntax or macro-expansions where the particular expert Racket features help keep me from going off the rails. I also love the arrows in DrRacket’s GUI. One thing I can think of right away where IntelliJ would help is the panel on the left that helps you pick different files: when you pick a file, IntelliJ automatically refreshes the tab for that file with whatever changes you’ve made in another editor, whereas in DrRacket I have to go to each open tab and Revert Changes manually, one of the small things that makes it more convenient to manage projects (changes to lots of files) in Emacs. I use Vim mode in IntelliJ because the mode is complete while IJ’s emacs mode is only partial. After a year of Vim emulation in IJ I’ve come to the conclusion, in my personal take of vi vs. emacs, that I’m definitely more productive in Emacs, I think it’s just built into my DNA at this point, even though I actually wrote tiny enhancements for AT&T vi back when I was in college in the late 1970s.

2020-1-15 15:30:44

Where’s the manual for fixing links in ~/.racket after upgrading Racket? My launchers are breaking after removing 7.4 and installing 7.5.

2020-1-15 15:33:15

They still fail even after a fresh raco setup on said packages.

/home/sage/.racket/7.4/bin/polyglot: line 8: /usr/bin/racket: No such file or di rectory

2020-1-15 15:39:40

One difference is that I previously used a UNIX style installation. This time it’s installed in my home directory. I updated my PATH. Logging back in simply changes the error to the launcher not being found, so I can just add the .racket/7.5/bin to PATH. Am I forgetting anything?

2020-1-15 15:48:32

@deactivateduser60718 Did you use /etc/paths.d/ ?

2020-1-15 15:50:31

That directory doesn’t exist for me, so I’ll say no.

2020-1-15 16:41:27

Just wondering if there’s a story behind the rebellion package having that name.

2020-1-15 17:00:45

Just came across this question on StackOverflow. An attempt to use the DrRacket debugger on a simple #lang sicp program fails with this error: cannot bind from tainted syntax in: (quote #%kernel) Is there anything the implementor of a language needs to in order for the debugger to work? https://stackoverflow.com/q/59754281/23567

2020-1-15 17:04:11

I’ve fixed this debugger problem for v7.6.

2020-1-15 17:04:46

Great news. I’ll tell him to upgrade.

2020-1-15 17:24:19

Well, when v.76 is available…

2020-1-15 17:29:04

@gknauth There sort of is, but mostly I picked it because it starts with r

2020-1-15 17:55:46


2020-1-15 18:50:17

I need some help with git. I have fixed issue 33 in racket/math but have confused myself regarding Github.

2020-1-15 18:50:44

First problem is to get my form soegaard/math to match racket/math.

2020-1-15 18:51:24

Currently Github tells me that the branch master of soegaard/math is:

This branch is 1 commit ahead, 7 commits behind racket:master.

2020-1-15 18:53:13

So I cloned soegaard/math to my computer. Checked that the upstream was set correctly: % git remote -v               origin git@github.com:soegaard/math.git (fetch) origin git@github.com:soegaard/math.git (push) upstream <https://github.com/racket/math.git> (fetch) upstream <https://github.com/racket/math.git> (push)

2020-1-15 18:53:52

Used git fetch and then git push to get commits from racket/math to soegaard/math.

2020-1-15 18:53:58

But Github keeps saying

2020-1-15 18:54:07

This branch is 1 commit ahead, 7 commits behind racket:master.

2020-1-15 18:54:17

2020-1-15 18:56:37

git merge ?

2020-1-15 18:57:43

or git rebase if you’re into more flat revision histories

2020-1-15 19:00:47

Should I have used git merge instead of git fetch ?

2020-1-15 19:01:13

git fetch updates your local repo (not working tree)

2020-1-15 19:01:26

it’s generally git fetch then git merge

2020-1-15 19:01:30


2020-1-15 19:02:09

git pull combines the steps, but I don’t like it because I like to have more fine grained control over my working tree.

2020-1-15 19:18:26

Thanks. Now everything looks fine.

2020-1-15 19:34:52

the way I deal with these problems is by using GitHub Desktop

2020-1-15 19:35:24

might be worth a try depending on how you like to do things

2020-1-15 19:45:25

Years ago I used a GUI from Github, but found out I liked the command line better.

2020-1-15 19:45:46

The GUI now is probably better.

2020-1-15 19:46:06

I have a student running Linux penguin 4.19 on an aarch64 chrome book and we’re wondering if we can install and run drracket on it.

2020-1-15 21:09:44

The CLI is only as useful as your understanding of Git’s underlying model, which is a point for and against it. The GUIs help visualize it so you don’t have to know it that well. If you’re used to running the same commands like a recipe, then doing something different is going to come off as if the CLI is not a good fit.

2020-1-16 07:29:03

What is “Linux penguin”? A distro? I tried to search Google and only found results related to the Linux mascot.