2020-2-22 11:46:48

Is there a extension to racket that implements tuple spaces (for distributed programming)?

2020-2-22 11:48:24

But it seems to differ from tuplespaces in at least one way: there’s no support for pattern matching. The example trying to define a “tuple-server” essentially tries to do matching via a hashmap key.

2020-2-22 13:33:25

@p.kushwaha97 you might like Syndicate by @tonyg. See http://syndicate-lang.org\|syndicate-lang.org

2020-2-22 17:33:18

ok, I can do the reordering

I’m still confused why free-identifier=? worked (lookup could loop over keys, instead of using free...-ref). Is that the same hashing accident?

2020-2-22 18:06:24

Yes. The identifier’s binding changed after you put it in the list, but if you’re just iterating through the list, you’ll find it after the change. In other words, a list of keys is like putting them all into the same hash bucket.

2020-2-22 20:34:58

Two questions about text%: 1. With auto-wrap disabled, is there a method to find the width needed to show all of the text without horizontal scrolling? 2. Is it possible to disable the blinking caret while still showing selection highlighting? For example, on Mac, the text in the window opened by Slack > About Slack works this way.

2020-2-22 20:41:49

was trying to play around with raart in Racket 7.6 CS - I’ve got a fresh install. Did raco pkg install raart and installed all the deps. Trying to run ant of the tests in the repo I get the following:

$ racket hack.rkt open-input-file: cannot open module file module path: /Users/kyushu/Library/Racket/7.6/pkgs/ansi/ansi/private/tty-raw-extension.rkt path: /Users/kyushu/Library/Racket/7.6/pkgs/ansi/ansi/private/tty-raw-extension.rkt system error: no such file or directory; rkt_err=3 context...: maybe-raise-missing-module open-input-file pre call-winder-thunk dynamic-wind default-load-handler standard-module-name-resolver module-path-index-resolve perform-require! for-loop finish [repeats 3 more times] pass-1-and-2-loop module-begin-k expand-module expand-capturing-lifts I did a raco pkg install ansi as well just to be sure, but looks like something moved?

2020-2-22 20:45:27

Aha, tried to install ansi from the racket-ansi repo and I got the same error

2020-2-22 20:46:20

looks like something is amiss in this folder https://github.com/tonyg/racket-ansi/tree/master/ansi/private

2020-2-22 20:47:15

2020-2-22 22:59:33

I don’t know the answer to the first one, but the second one is yes

2020-2-22 23:01:39

This is the code behind the syntax browser in DrRacket, which allows you to do something like this without blinking caret

2020-2-22 23:01:58

2020-2-22 23:19:40

@sorawee Thanks! the mrlib/syntax-browser example is especially helpful because I’m also not (currently) using text:basic<%> from framework.

2020-2-23 07:23:54

@zuocool has joined the channel