2020-2-27 09:49:49

i want to do some sanity checks on a csp solver (using the csp module) to make sure that calling (solve …) isnt going to end up taking significant human time for varying search spaces would profile be the correct tool for that ?

2020-2-27 09:50:42

i feel like profile might be over doing it? (at this point im not worried about memory usage etc only real world time)

2020-2-27 12:53:01

Profile is good, but just the time form might be enough

2020-2-27 13:11:56

Reddit mentioned this Racket adventures blog recently. Very well done:\|

2020-2-27 14:24:58

I use DrRacket when I want the power of its ability to show me exactly where I screwed up. I use Emacs, especially in large files or large numbers of filse, when I’m making major changes but I’m confident my changes are not adventurous syntactically. I’m really an Emacs power user, I navigate many buffers sometimes and have my own Emacs functions and macros to make my life easier. I switch to DrRacket when my changes are minor or when I need DrRacket’s blessing that the things I just did are actually OK.

2020-2-27 14:50:55

@robby I had to deal with some other issues — and issue 430 turned out to be about running the main submodule. Now I want to loop back and confirm whether I need to change anything about how Racket Mode handles images.

To clarify: Status quo, it changes current-print. That’s documented as

> A parameter that determines the print handler that is called by read-eval-print-loop to print the result of an evaluation (and the result is ignored). I do want to customize the output for a read-eval-print-loop. My current-print handler supports (a) a user option to pretty-print REPL values and (b) this feature of detecting convertible images.

I am not using a “port handler”.

Now that I’ve explained this probably more accurately than I did before: Do you still think it’s wrong? If so: Why? What instead ought I do, exactly? Why?

2020-2-27 15:20:48

I’m getting a 503 error from the package server while trying to create a new package.

2020-2-27 15:45:13

It’s working now—I think the problem may have been that GitHub seems to be having some issues, and the package server may have errored when it couldn’t connect.

2020-2-27 15:45:54

I couldn’t get to one of my own repos earlier, so yeah, GH is having some issues

2020-2-27 16:18:03

I like DrRacket very much. One of the things I prefer in emacs/racket-mode is the syntax-color handling of #; comments, which DrRacket doesn’t deal with at all.

2020-2-27 17:14:39

In Racket, what’s the equiv (using format if possible) of C’s printf("%0.2f", x)?

2020-2-27 17:16:16

(~r #:precision '(= 2) x)

2020-2-27 17:16:25

At least that is what I use

2020-2-27 17:22:34

thanks :wink:

2020-2-27 17:38:28

You can use 2 instead of '(= 2) as a shorthand here I think

2020-2-27 17:53:29

> (~r #:precision 2 1) "1" > (~r #:precision '(= 2) 1) "1.00"

2020-2-27 18:58:47

Reposted from #beginners: Is there an obvious way in Scribble to make counters that know about section numbering? For example, in section 1.3, a counter for theorems that runs 1.3.1, 1.3.2, and so on. If it’s not obvious, any pointers as to how to go about it? I’m using scribble/manual and rendering to HTML. Thanks.

2020-2-27 19:06:06

I forget the details, but you’ll probably want to create a part-relative-element.

2020-2-27 20:58:17

@carlosrogue has joined the channel

2020-2-27 22:11:49

Question: is anyone else getting a weird 404 error on the catalogs?

2020-2-27 22:12:26

((uncaught-exception-handler) (*(+(*)(*(+(*)(*)(*)(*)(*))(+(*)(*)(*)(*)(*))(+(*)(*)(*)(*))))(+(*)(*)(*)(*)))) uncaught exception: 404

2020-2-27 22:12:48

I do get 404 on that page

2020-2-27 22:14:06

2020-2-27 22:14:55

hrm, who is the right person to @?

2020-2-27 22:23:18

dropped it on racket users list

2020-2-27 22:53:08

Is there something in the code for HtDP that might be relevant?

2020-2-27 23:01:45

Answered on the list. There’s just nothing for directory-like paths such as, but a file-like path such as does work.

2020-2-27 23:06:58

I don’t think so. HtDP exercises are just consecutively numbered, for example.