2020-3-11 14:52:35

Why can’t I get the value of b here?

> (define n (make-base-namespace)) > (eval-syntax (namespace-syntax-introduce #'(define b 2)) n) > (eval-syntax (namespace-syntax-introduce #'(define b 2) n) n) > (namespace-variable-value 'b #t (lambda _ #f) n) #f > (namespace-variable-value 'b #f (lambda _ #f) n) #f >

2020-3-11 14:55:28

For comparison, this works fine, so I know the problem has to do with enriching the syntax object for eval-syntax. The problem is that if I use expand or namespace-syntax-introduce, I still don’t get desired results. What specific information is still missing?

> (define n (make-base-namespace)) > (eval '(define b 2) n) > (namespace-variable-value 'b #t (lambda _ #f) n) 2

2020-3-11 15:04:55

I read through Racket’s source and mushed together all of the usage patterns into behemoth expressions like (eval-syntax (expand (namespace-syntax-introduce (datum->syntax #f '(define b 2)))) n) just for grins. Still cannot see the expected value.

2020-3-11 15:24:15

This works for me, but I have no idea why:

> (require syntax/strip-context) > (define n (make-base-namespace)) > (parameterize ([current-namespace n]) ((current-eval) (namespace-syntax-introduce (strip-context #'(define b 2))))) > (namespace-variable-value 'b #t (lambda _ #f) n)

2020-3-11 15:34:01

And it’s really weird because:

> (require syntax/strip-context) > (define n (make-base-namespace)) > (eval-syntax (namespace-syntax-introduce (strip-context #'(define b 2))) n) > (namespace-variable-value 'b #t (lambda _ #f) n) doesn’t work, even though it should be completely equivalent to the above

2020-3-11 15:34:31


2020-3-11 15:34:40

I understand now

2020-3-11 15:36:01

I forgot to put n in namespace-syntax-introduce. This works:

> (require syntax/strip-context) > (define n (make-base-namespace)) > (eval-syntax (namespace-syntax-introduce (strip-context #'(define b 2)) n) n) > (namespace-variable-value 'b #t (lambda _ #f) n)

2020-3-11 15:51:11

That makes sense given the docs for namespace-syntax-introduce

> The additional context is overridden by any existing <|top-level bindings> in the <|syntax object>’s <|lexical information>, or by any existing or future <|module bindings> in the <|lexical information>. Since the docs do not call out strip-context as possibly (frequently?) needed, I assumed I didn’t need it in the REPL.

2020-3-11 15:51:14

Thanks much!!

2020-3-11 16:39:28

Here’s a preview of the manual for a new package: tesurell. It’s a markup language that uses the Scribble reader, and allows inline use of #lang. What makes it different from multi-lang and polyglot is that it doesn’t write modules to disk, and can self-host.

2020-3-11 16:40:28

PDF shows motivation. I didn’t see an identical project, but please let me know if one exists. Source:

2020-3-11 16:45:24

Is (eval-syntax (namespace-syntax-introduce (strip-context #'(define b 2)) ns) ns) effectively just (eval '(define b 2) ns)? I think so but I’m not sure.

2020-3-11 16:46:17

Yes, I think so too.

2020-3-11 16:47:36

Caveat: I mean in terms of lexical context. (Maybe the first way, you get source location attached to the syntax, which either you want, don’t want, or don’t care.)

2020-3-11 16:48:37

Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I don’t think they are equivalent for my purposes, which is to keep the location info within a markup file.

2020-3-11 16:50:31

Ah OK. So you may want to retain the syntax object, if only for the location. Even if you’re effectively just using it as a plain s-expression, in terms of lexical context. Seems like the situation.

2020-3-11 16:51:17

Correct. Since “lexical context” seems to be an umbrella term it’s been tricky to find what info I’m missing and what info I want to keep before hitting eval-syntax. Just a gap in my education.

2020-3-11 17:35:09

I’m adding more tests for Racket Mode, including now for the macro stepper feature. It seems like I’ve discovered something broke or at least changed with macro-debugger/stepper-text, in 7.6, both plain and CS, and persisting on HEAD. (I wish I’d already had these new tests in Racket Mode, some months ago, I could have known and reported before 7.6 released).

Given stepper.rkt #lang racket/base (require macro-debugger/stepper-text) (define step (stepper-text #'(module example racket/base (define x 42) x))) (step 'next) In Racket versions 6.0 through 7.5 you get e.g.: $ ~/racket/7.5/bin/racket stepper.rkt Tag #%module-begin (module example racket/base (define x 42) x) ==&gt; (module example racket/base (#%module-begin (define x 42) x)) and in this example you could call step another dozen times before it returns #f i.e. “done”.

But starting in 7.6 the first step immediately returns #f: $ ~/racket/7.6/bin/racket stepper.rkt #f

2020-3-11 17:36:28

@greg For 7.6, @ryanc entirely rewrote macro hiding, so probably that has something to do with it

2020-3-11 17:43:06

I was wondering if I should dive in and try to figure out what changed and how to fix. What you say makes me think probably not. :simple_smile:

2020-3-11 17:43:28

Well, maybe I could take a quick look at the “edge” and see if some “glue” code just needs to be tweaked.

2020-3-11 17:44:26

Anything deeper sounds like something @ryanc would be able to figure out about a billion times faster than I could.

2020-3-11 17:45:38

It’s possible that something about the default hiding policy broke, which might be easy to fix, but it’s definitely a bug relative to the documented behavior.

2020-3-11 18:35:07

@greg I pushed a fix. I broke the “is this an interesting step?” predicate, so it was generating the steps and then throwing them all away. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a good workaround for 7.6 unless you want to use namespace magic to hot-patch the code.

2020-3-11 20:26:31

@ryanc Thanks! I’ll take a look at the commit and consider a hot-patch. (Worst case, I’ll do a little runtime test for this behavior, advise the user to use a newer/older version of Racket. IIRC I had to do similar for a version of Racket where module-&gt;namespace behaved differently in some respect. Rather than compare version numbers, I directly tested for the behavior.)

2020-3-11 20:36:51

@ryanc Although, “use namespace magic to hot-patch the code” sounds naughty and something I’d like to know how to do. :simple_smile: Do you mean using namespace-set-variable-value! to substitute my own values for the rename-step? and rewrite-step? functions? If so, wouldn’t the code inspector disallow that? Would I need my subs to know about the protostep struct, and, might that be tricky since structs are generative?

2020-3-11 21:56:34

@greg I haven’t thought this all the way through, but I was thinking about something using module-&gt;namespace and eval. Earlier I had forgotten about the module restrictions on set! (or other operations that have the same effect) — that’s related to the compile-enforce-module-constants parameter, not the code inspector. It might be easiest set compile-enforce-module-constants to false, load the macro-debugger/stepper-text module from source, use module-&gt;namespace to enter the module, and then use eval to replace the definition of get-steps (replacing rewrite-step? with a fixed equivalent). That’s probably easier than fixing rewrite-step? directly in macro-debugger/model/steps, since that module gets required by multiple others, and (IIUC) you might have to load more things from source to get around the set! restriction. Re: generative structs, the goal would be to reuse an existing instantiation of the steps module; a solution that involved re-running the struct declarations would cause problems.

2020-3-12 02:16:50

Is there an easy way to “upgrade” installed packages in an old version of Racket when I install a new version of Racket? I understand that I can just copy directories/files at ~/Library/Racket/&lt;version&gt; and remove compiled directories as a way to “upgrade”, but it requires users to know where things are and basic shell scripting skill. The alternative choice that beginner programmers have is to reinstall everything again.

2020-3-12 02:20:59

Ha, there’s “Copy from Version” in the package manager. This looks promising.

2020-3-12 02:21:44

raco pkg migrate is I think the command line version

2020-3-12 02:23:19

Yep, thanks!