2020-3-22 09:31:28

Probably I don’t understand your question correctly. I thought you were suggesting that this: (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () 3)) doesn’t report the location of the test that fails (but it does).

2020-3-22 15:36:50

I think @samdphillips meant something like:

(check-equal? (1) 1)

2020-3-22 16:27:42

Like this the ERROR doesn’t contain a location: #lang racket/base (require rackunit) (test-true "fail" #f) (test-true "error" (/ 10 0)) Running: $ racket foo.rkt -------------------- fail FAILURE name: check-true location: foo.rkt:5:0 params: '(#f) -------------------- -------------------- error ERROR /: division by zero --------------------

2020-3-22 18:42:06

@samdphillips try racket -l errortrace -t foo.rkt

2020-3-22 18:46:47

That is better. I think I may have to just have a custom runner/printer.

2020-3-23 04:25:29

I do not understand this error. What does it mean?

namespace mismatch: bulk bindings not found in registry for module: #<resolved-module-path:"/home/sage/racket/share/pkgs/at-exp-lib/scribble/reader.rkt"> ; Context: ; .../langs/doc.rkt:28:11 for-loop ; .../langs/doc.rkt:26:16 ; [Due to errors, REPL is just racket/base] The for-loop runs eval on expressions from a document read using the Scribble reader.

2020-3-23 04:46:01

Interesting side-note: Blowing away compiled directories removes the error. If I run raco setup to recompile the bytecode, the error comes back. I’m unsure how to provide more context since I don’t know what a minimal reproduction would look like, but I can try to whip one up tomorrow. Any leads appreciated.