2020-4-6 16:32:15

I thought this issue is fixed, but apparently it’s not?

2020-4-6 16:38:49

Posted a reply.

2020-4-6 17:05:27

If you log messages at compile time, and if you set PLTSTDERR appropriately, then the messages should appear on stderr if raco make or raco setup causes that compile time code to run.

2020-4-6 17:13:31

For example, suppose I save the following code to ctlog.rkt: #lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base)) (begin-for-syntax (log-warning "here is some interesting info") (define-logger sub) (log-sub-warning "more details")) 'ok Then I run PLTSTDERR=warning raco make ctlog.rkt. It displays the two logged messages to stderr. (If I run the same command again, it shows nothing, because raco make determines that the file doesn’t need to be recompiled.) I tried raco setup too, and it seems to work the same way, although the messages might get lost in its other output. You could use 2> /tmp/setup.log to redirect stderr to a file. Is that what you meant?

2020-4-6 17:18:38

Turns out whitequark is on Debian. Anyone here with Debian and a high resolution screen?

2020-4-6 17:38:59

If what you mean is “how can I include messages the way raco setup prints lots of output”, the answer is that mechanism isn’t extensible (it’s just calling printf)

2020-4-6 19:01:10

Ubuntu 18.04 and HiDPI, here. Not sure if Debian-based counts, here?? Gnome DE. When I run say 7.3 and 7.6 side by side, they seem comparable, to me, scrolling. OK if I two-finger touchpad up/down up/down up/down very rapidly, 7.6 seems somewhat smoother. OTOH that’s not something I’d often do when programming :smile: For routine scrolling and paging they seem comparable. Not sure what it is I would be trying to repro, exactly? (Neither is as fast as Emacs, but, I would not necessarily expect that.)

2020-4-6 19:05:07

Why is it a problem to make a screen recording in Debian?!?

2020-4-6 19:07:21

@greg He talks about “3 fps” when scrolling. Could be exaggerating of course - but it sounds to be an issue. Difficult to reproduce without more details - hence I asked for a screen recording.

2020-4-6 19:14:01

AFAIK it’s a problem only in the sense some distro might not pre-install a simple video screen capture? Don’t know much about Debian, including what flavor they’re using (how old/"stable") etc. Also not sure what they mean about 3 fps, and also agree regardless their experience isn’t good.

2020-4-7 04:23:43

Hi friends. I’m using the excellent racket-mode in Emacs. I’m trying to pull up the documentation for a function in-editor, but I get Symbol's function definition is void: "racket-describe" when I invoke racket-doc. Anyone mind helping me figure out what I’m missing?