2020-4-23 14:54:32

With the downside of doing the install twice, right? Anyway, thanks for the help.

2020-4-23 17:17:31

@mark_lavrentyev has joined the channel

2020-4-23 17:17:44

Maybe it’s a glitch but suddenly this morning it’s as if is throttled and timing out for Travis CI but works fine (so far) when I try it from home. 6.11 is just an example. Other versions, too. So for instance I’m seeing Travis CI jobs fail due to 10 minute time out: That were working fine even an hour ago. But I’ve been revising some tests and doing lots of CI runs this morning, so if\| had any throttling, that might be why…? idk

2020-4-23 17:20:13

OK well maybe the universe is telling me it’s a good time to break for food, and try this again later.

2020-4-23 19:13:49

I don’t know about\| but Github has been having trouble today

2020-4-23 20:57:44

is there such a document as “Racket for Schemers”? i.e. the main things that somebody used to Scheme would need to know when getting started with Racket. I’m reading the Racket Guide and a lot of it is covering ground that I am familiar with already.

2020-4-23 22:17:28

I wrote a macro called contents to generate document sections for a sugar library that matches the collects/racket file system.

It’s used here:

The table of contents shows nothing and I do not see the sections in the index, but no error was reported on setup. What did I do wrong?

2020-4-23 22:30:02

I found an error in a path predicate. I may update this question if I run into another problem.

2020-4-23 22:58:15

Hi @sam.halliday there is the ‘1.4 A Note to Readers with Lisp/Scheme Experience’ in the Racket Guide:

2020-4-23 23:15:27

Yep, changing my question: Is there an example of someone generating sections using both scribble/extract and hand-typed docs? This is my attempt, but the content from (include manual-path) ends up outside of the intended section. The only reason why I’m using include at all is because I don’t want the hand-typed manual to change the surrounding document structure.

(define-for-syntax (has-srcdoc? stx) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const #f)]) (dynamic-require `(submod ',(syntax->datum stx) srcdoc) 'get-docs (const #f)))) (define-syntax (idiocket-section stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ modpath) (with-syntax ([mp (format-id #'modpath "idiocket/~a" (syntax-e #'modpath))] [manual-path (format "~a" (syntax->datum #'modpath))]) #`(begin (section (tt (symbol->string 'mp))) (defmodule mp) #,@(if (has-srcdoc? #'mp) #'((include-extracted mp)) #'()) (include manual-path)))]))

2020-4-24 06:29:01

Ah yes, I seen that, thanks. I was hoping to learn the bits beyond Scheme though :slightly_smiling_face:

2020-4-24 06:29:15

i.e. the Racket Guide minus the bits I already know from Scheme

2020-4-24 06:29:23

it’s fine, I’ll just approach it fresh