2020-6-11 08:02:54

@averellaquino has joined the channel

2020-6-11 08:57:37

Hi! I switch to Emacs from DrRacket and I am currently using racket-mode. I often use images and DrRacket’s test reports even shows the actual and expected images. Is there a way to reproduce this feature in racket-mode?

2020-6-11 09:00:03

Use pict->bitmap

2020-6-11 09:04:16

I am sorry but I cannot follow. What/where do I exactly implement that?

2020-6-11 09:06:16

In the tests use (pict->bitmap p) instead of just p.

2020-6-11 09:32:00


2020-6-11 12:36:33

Thanks for the tip.

2020-6-11 18:31:27

With call/input-request in the HTTP package, is there an easy to divert output to a stream or string so that I can see what is actually sent to the server?

2020-6-11 18:31:37

“easy way”

2020-6-11 18:39:52

I don’t think so, but @greg (the author) might know more.

2020-6-11 19:07:44

Thank you.

2020-6-12 05:08:34

good night, I have a question. I am trying to create a program that returns the piece (that its inside of a list of structs ) with higher number in both spaces (space1 and space2)or in some of them for example: (define piece1 (list (make-piece 1 0) (make-piece 5 1) (make-piece 2 2) (make-piece 6 6) (make-piece 3 6)) -> return: (piece 6 6) This is I have so far: (define-struct piece (space1 space2)#:transparent) (define p1 (make-piece 1 0)) (define p2 (make-piece 5 1)) (define p3 (make-piece 2 2)) (define p4 (make-piece 0 3)) (define p5 (make-piece 0 4)) (define p6 (make-piece 6 6)) (define p7 (make-piece 3 6)) (define piece1 (list p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7)) (define (higher list) (cond [(empty? list) "it don't have elements"] [(equal? (and(piece-space1 (first list))(piece-space2 (first list))) (and(piece-space1 (first(rest list)))(piece-space2 (first(rest list))))) (something...)] [(> (and(piece-space1 (first list))(piece-space2 (first list))) (and(piece-space1 (first(rest list)))(piece-space2 (first(rest list))))) (piece(first list)(higher(rest list)))] [else (higher(rest list))] ) ) (higher piece1) Can anyone help correct the errors in my code?.