2020-6-17 09:56:38

Yes, that’s exactly it. There’s an example here:


But the documentation could definitely be improved

2020-6-17 13:36:23

[crosspost form racket-users] > It was very nice to see Prof <https://twitter.com/CoolSWEng|Diomidis Spinellis> talk about how his students had good experiences working on open source projects for their coursework.  > > It made me wonder how the Racket community is performing, and if there are any gaps we* can fill?  > Onboarding? > Mentoring? > Pull request Workflows? > Code check bots? > Use of [WIP] tag to allow incremental review of work in progress? > Anything else? > * by ‘we’ I mean the community of racketeers, not the core team who already do so much. https://twitter.com/CoolSWEng/status/1273010363198570496?s=20


2020-6-17 22:12:46

Thanks for checking, but I later realized there is no way to actually load script surfaces via libcairo; the script interpreter is defined outside of libcairo as part of the utility executables distributed with Cairo. :confused: