2020-7-31 05:04:42

@soegaard2 For flomat, ran into this on Win10: error: tester-needed. “On Windows: A tester is needed. Install CBLAS and LAPACK and letme know if it works. Otherwise make an Issue at Github and we will add the proper paths.” It just worked on my Mac. On Windows, I’m going to have to figure out how to get CBLAS / LAPACK on the machine and working with flomat.

2020-7-31 05:25:45

FYI, I believe the ‘standard’ BLAS for Windows is generally regarded to be OpenBLAS: https://www.openblas.net/

I haven’t tried to install it on Windows myself though. I did use Armadillo back in the day, which IIRC distributed versions of BLAS and LAPACK for Windows with itself (http://arma.sourceforge.net/faq.html#linking)

2020-7-31 05:44:19

Thanks, I’m in the process of installing OpenBLAS right now. It took about 2 minutes to download and an hour to unzip (?). Now wading through the files to see what has to happen next.

2020-7-31 05:46:07

I think I should have gone straight to this GitHub page: https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS instead I let myself be redirected to some old and clunky SourceForge page (new files I think, but clunky interface).

2020-7-31 05:47:41

Nevermind, the GitHub binary packages link just refers back to SourceForge.

2020-7-31 05:52:45

It says there are binary packages for Windows but it looks like you have to build from source, which on Windows is bound to be an adventure.

2020-7-31 06:40:17

Hmmm, I do agree, the latest release does indeed seem to be the source files, rather than pre-built binaries. It looks like you’re probably supposed to use CMake and the VS C++ build tools to build it, but I’m afraid that’s well outside of my experience.

2020-7-31 06:42:40

It looks there is an x86_64 binary under the 0.3.7 release. No idea why there isn’t one for the newest version, though.

2020-7-31 06:49:03

Oh, wait it looks like https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/releases/download/v0.3.10/OpenBLAS-0.3.10-x64.zip does in fact give you the x86_64 binary