2020-8-11 09:23:54

@hosoda has joined the channel

2020-8-11 18:31:55

That’s pretty ambitious! (although: (require framework racket/class) (require drracket/check-syntax) Not sure how different from DrRacket this is going to be?)

2020-8-11 19:39:51

What is the best way to handle finalization? I have a resource that I need to free when Racket exits or if the owner has been GCd

2020-8-11 20:07:45

Wills & Ephemerons

2020-8-11 20:08:06

But maybe also plumbers for handling racket exits

2020-8-11 20:28:25

Thanks. I kept looking at custodians, but I couldn’t tell how much (if any it would get me.)

2020-8-11 22:27:43

For snapshot users who aren’t on the racket-users list, here’s an alert about the Utah site switching to CS as the default: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/racket-users/k_o3Ug-lK_s/HwhCtbC6BQAJ

2020-8-11 22:29:05

A plumber is not the right choice for freeing something. A custodian is the right choice with #:at-exit? #t. For the custodian + GC combination, use register-finalizer-and-custodian-shutdown.

2020-8-11 22:32:21

cc in particular @notjack @pocmatos @popa.bogdanp @greg

2020-8-11 23:06:51

Does this mean that downloading from an URL such as https://mirror.racket-lang.org/installers/7.8/racket-7.8-x86_64-linux.sh will now install the CS version?

2020-8-11 23:08:24

No, that’s the release distribution, so it’s not affected (until we switch the release).

2020-8-11 23:38:33

> While we’re adjusting installer names, the canonical name for Minimal > Racket installers will change to “racket-minimal-…” instead of > “min-racket-…”. The new name matches the names used for releases. For > the foreseeable future, “min-racket-…” aliases will still work, but > you should migrate to “racket-minimal-…” if you have an automated > process that uses “min-racket-…”. What’s the scope of this? Will racket-minimal- work for all installers including for very old versions?

2020-8-11 23:39:58

(Although it would be N/A for travis-racket, it might help other tools like crawlers if you make min-racket- 301 (permanent) redirect to racket-minimal-. Even if some tool doesn’t use that automatically, it signals your intent. OTOH if it’s awkward to set up such a redirect, it probably doesn’t matter.)

2020-8-11 23:42:57

((Frankly most of my install-racket.sh is a kind of URL redirect server… as a Bash script. Implementing an “ideal” “rationalized” URL system, and translating it to the reality. Sometimes I think it could/should be a redirect server. But I digress.))

2020-8-11 23:43:36

If I understand the question, very old versions implies a release instead of a snapshot, and the name is already racket-minimal-… for releases — no change there. The change is to make snapshot names consistent.

2020-8-11 23:46:47

I just double-checked the script and I see what you mean about it already being racket-minimal for older relased versions (like say 6.0).

2020-8-11 23:47:15

That’s nice it makes the snapshots now be consistent with that. Great! Thanks.

2020-8-11 23:47:22

I could probably set up 301 redirects for min-racket- by generating an “.htaccess” file alongside the symbolic links, but I haven’t yet tried.

2020-8-11 23:48:48

I think it’s more just a nice-to-have. And not even that nice, that worthwhile, if the scope of the change is just snapshots builds. So I think I gave you a red herring there; sorry.