2020-9-9 07:26:26

Isn’t Halloween coming?

2020-9-9 07:42:35

2020-9-9 07:44:24

2020-9-9 07:48:19

@gregor.kiczales custom masks are currently unavailable from cafepress here in uk, but I’m sure there are local(to you) vendors who can do the same. Images above aren’t real-mockups from uk website.

2020-9-9 08:09:36

@sorawee Oh my, someone really did bite the troll :smile:

2020-9-9 12:14:15

Perhaps you are too kind? (Assuming the demand of an encryption back door is due to ignorance).

Let’s hope that the politicians at some point get enlightenment.

2020-9-9 13:29:13

Hi All, I’ve made a little FAQ on the wiki

2020-9-9 13:29:27

please let me know if you see any problems.

2020-9-9 14:37:24

@gknauth you can’t post in the above thread: > All I was told was, “This program must never be run, but if it is run, it must run perfectly.” and then just leave us hanging! Did it ever run? Why must it never be run?

2020-9-9 14:39:19

The world still exists, so it probably didn’t run :smile:

2020-9-9 14:39:30

(I have no idea what this program does, to be clear :wink: )

2020-9-9 14:39:54

> but if it is run, it must run perfectly The real question is… does it ever terminate? :slightly_smiling_face:

2020-9-9 15:35:15

@badkins @laurent.orseau @massung They never told me what the program was, and I know nothing more. That was literally what they told me, that was all they could tell me, that much was public information. The rest is just left to the imagination. But I will say, from everything I knew about these scientists, they were very good people and their overwhelming concern was safety. I think in the 1990s when Hale-Bopp slammed into Jupiter, which was kind of a wake-up call for us Earthlings, these same scientists produced some pretty amazing and eye-opening graphics of what would happen to Earth if different sized asteroids hit the Earth.

2020-9-9 15:47:30

It’s a cool story. My comment (about terminating), was really just a bad joke pointing to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem and basically wondering if humans - in multi-year code reviews - could ever really answer the question either.

2020-9-9 15:51:33

I haven’t tried these vendors yet, I just did a quick google search, but it’s inexpensive enough here I might just try. https://tinyurl.com/y4gq8aa6 also https://www.vistaprint.com/masks/all/custom/ https://www.customink.com/products/categories/face-masks/205/styles https://24hourwristbands.com/custom-face-masks

2020-9-9 15:53:14

Los Alamos, simulations of meteors hitting the earth. 1990’s…sounds very ‘x-files’! they probably weren’t allowed to tell you. I’m assuming you weren’t allowed to ask.

2020-9-9 15:54:17

Or maybe the purpose of the whole thing was to spread rumors! The truth is out there…

2020-9-9 16:05:46

Oh, one is always free to ask, and they are always free to say “I can’t answer that” if they can’t, or may not, for those who remember their mothers explaining the difference between can and may.

2020-9-9 16:06:34

As for the halting problem, I think everything halts when the power runs out, so I guess the question is, does it halt before it doesn’t matter any more.

2020-9-9 16:08:49

There is a joke about dressing for Halloween as DrRacket somewhere in here.

2020-9-9 16:09:12

> I built a tool that instrumented a compiler [GCC] to put everything into a database. That way everyone could look at the code they way they wanted to see it, adjusting colors, etc., renaming things to their preference, while not bothering anyone else’s. It also let them put in annotations that others could read, and mark sections as completed, in progress, approved by so-and-so, etc. I thought this is fascinating - but has it been done since? In a public way?

2020-9-9 16:10:16

Did anyone do a paper on it? (more interesting than asteroid impact simulations)

2020-9-9 16:11:47

I’m sure I’ve seen someone in a ‘DrRacket’ costume on the web. Stethoscope included.

2020-9-9 16:14:02

What I did for LANL was public domain—nearly 30 years ago. Anything I wrote for USG over the years was public domain, because to some degree it was taxpayer funded. But good luck finding it. One of the funniest things though is I wrote a simple app for a NeXT computer 30 years called Moon, it basically put up an image of the Moon and then shaded it according to the moon phase. Every few years someone finds it and asks me if they can use it. I say, “Sure, it’s public!” I’m amazed people can find it, because I don’t even know where to look, and I wrote it.

2020-9-9 16:16:29

Paper? No, never occurred to any of us at the time. It was basically, so-and-so doesn’t wants to rename functions and other identifiers, wants to collapse things, annotate things, please can you change it so you record AST-level things in a database so we can change the rendering in the GUI to whatever we like.

2020-9-9 16:18:30

sounds pretty cool to me !

2020-9-9 16:23:03

Looks like this is some of LANL’s more recent work: https://www.energy.gov/articles/lab-breakthrough-asteroid-killer-simulation

2020-9-9 16:24:30

This is very much like what they were doing after Hale-Bopp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95z0qRNFFxs

2020-9-9 17:09:36

@gregor.kiczales I just ordered a dozen of these (minimum order). I’ll send you one at the end of the month (when it arrives), since you taught the MOOC that got my son all fired up about Racket back around 2014 I think.

2020-9-9 17:09:52

2020-9-9 18:05:32

slideshow folks - how do I display non-Racket code (e.g. a portion of a bash script) ? I suppose I’m just looking for something like the html <pre> tag.

2020-9-9 18:24:41

Or the markdown backtick, e.g.: upstream foo { least_conn; server localhost:5301; server localhost:5302; }

2020-9-9 18:25:30

I found the scribble version but I’m sure I had a slideshow example somewhere

@verbatim[#:indent 2]{ #! /usr/local/bin/racket #lang racket/base "Hello, world!" }

2020-9-9 18:40:14

Ah, I think codeblock-pict will do it.

2020-9-9 18:42:40

A little awkward, but it’ll do: (slide (codeblock-pict (string-join '("upstream foo {" " least_conn;" " server localhost:5301;" " server localhost:5302;" "}") "\n")))

2020-9-9 19:05:49

Using a here-string might be somewhat cleaner:

(slide (codeblock-pict #<<code upstream foo { ... } code ))

2020-9-9 19:10:57

Indeed! I was using the example from the docs and forgot about here-string - thanks!

2020-9-9 19:19:13

2020-9-9 19:22:10

Need a slideshow template that shows off a bunch of standard tricks; displaying and running code in the slideshow, animation, transitions, embedding video, embedding live video, etc.

2020-9-9 19:24:49

The built-in slideshow tutorial has been very helpful, and allowed me to do everything I needed with the exception of the codeblock-pict example. I’m super impressed with slideshow - so thanks to all who contributed to it!

2020-9-9 21:14:29


2020-9-10 04:11:06

Is there a way to provide a macro with a contract that specifies the syntax class of the syntax that the macro is supposed to produce?