2020-9-17 07:08:07


2020-9-17 13:24:28

@sorawee looks good - if I understand it correctly it gives us a way of customising package/app generation; % raco pkg install racket-scaffold to create a package: raco scaffold package -d "Some new package" -V "1.0" -l MIT -r markdown -L "racket/base" -u "me" -e "<\|>" my-name I think @greg’s idea of .racket-template - this could provide finer control of template components - a definite advantage over the base github template repository functionality.

PR’s gratefully accepted!

(I’m wondering if scaffold can be used to create components that work together like lego. Maybe something like the the Ruby-on-Rails app generation thing but generalised to include a wide variety of components.)

2020-9-17 14:08:00

[Announcement/update] racket-templates BETA release Thank you to those who provided feedback and contributed code yesterday but we still need users to try out the tool on different platforms; linux, windows & macos. Just reply with a note saying platform, and if it worked. you can install with raco pkg install from-template update with raco pkg update from-template

changes: 1. you can now use the command new as in raco new lang mylang 2. there is now a #lang template lang (courtesy of the author @samth ) Please try it out and let us know if the thread if you succeed or fail Kind regards, Stephen

2020-9-17 14:17:12

BTW raco from-template still works but it was raised on the discord that it was a bit cumbersome and @nixin72 (Philip) the creator of the command added the new alias. :)

2020-9-17 14:55:40

@miguel.iglesias has joined the channel

2020-9-17 14:56:57

@caente has joined the channel

2020-9-17 14:57:48


2020-9-17 14:59:04


2020-9-17 21:53:27

How expensive are places in racket CS vs 3m?

2020-9-17 21:58:19


Core place creation is faster in CS, but a new place has to load its initial code, and that’s slower in CS. Overall, startup time and footprint end up being similar.

3m is better at keeping GC work separate for different places, which improves parallelism. CS now has an internally parallel collector, but more (I’m not yet sure what) is needed to get good parallelism when places allocate frequently.

2020-9-17 21:59:07

(By “now” I mean “master branch”, not v7.8.)

2020-9-17 22:26:12

We’ve replaced raco from-template with raco new but should this be create or init ?

Vote with fruit emoji: :watermelon: raco from-template :tangerine: raco init :lemon: raco new :pineapple: raco create

2020-9-17 23:11:27

ah, I was hoping CS might let them be much cheaper.

2020-9-17 23:14:13

I was toying with the idea of trying to implement some erlang/otp patterns with places, but my understanding of places is that they aren’t designed to have hundreds/thousands of them going at once.

2020-9-17 23:28:44

Has anyone noticed the slowdown of git clone <> recently?

2020-9-17 23:33:05

Probably my internet is wonky

2020-9-18 01:24:51

I think thread is the thing to use of erlang patterns

2020-9-18 02:54:07

use thread for tasks which primarily involve communication (I/O, synchronization, organizing other processes, messaging, etc.) and use places for tasks which primarily involve computation (number crunching, data structure processing, search algorithms, etc.)