2020-9-26 12:31:08

I’m probably just mistaken then. Jon was responsible for the parser implementation and details of Honu, and I have forgotten what I knew. Jon might have had a specific reason to use an explicit stack, or maybe it was just the way he chose to implement it.

2020-9-26 12:39:20

If you have a plain _pointer and you want to treat it as a C struct pointer to _T so you can use T accessors, then probably you want (_cast ... _pointer _T-pointer). But (_ptr-ref ... _T) should do the same thing, so maybe I misunderstand what you’re trying to do. A (_ptr-ref ... _T-pointer) would be different.

2020-9-26 14:21:36

thank you for your response! it worked… then it didnt, idk what im doing wrong, i pasted it in a\|gist . idk if you have windows, im assuming you dont… but any help is appreciated

2020-9-26 21:30:39

soo…\|malloc documentation in ffi/unsafe does not seem very coherent, it also doesn’t help that in Overview from that same library the examples calls do not match the definition.

2020-9-27 00:41:36

@soegaard2 What does import in urlang do?

2020-9-27 00:41:45

It currently seems to do nothing.

2020-9-27 00:42:05

At first I thought it was import/export for ES6 modules, but it seems like urlang doesn’t support ES6 modules at all?

2020-9-27 01:41:52

It’s been a while since I worked with HBITMAPs, but isn’t that a handle that’s opaque, and where you have to use functions like GetObject to extract bytes? In case it helps, here’s some code that involves HBITMAPs: The hbitmap->bitmap function uses GetObject to extract a BITMAP from an HBITMAP.

2020-9-27 03:56:03

@kseniase has joined the channel