2020-10-28 08:57:28

In syntax-parse patterns, the notation (A-pattern . S-pattern) is equivalent to (~and A-pattern S-pattern). That’s why you can write, for example, (x ~! y z) instead of having to write (x . (~and ~! (y z)) or ((~and x ~!) y z).

2020-10-28 09:12:22

Ah, I see. Thanks again :slightly_smiling_face:

2020-10-28 09:30:50

Finally got around to watching the racketcon talks and thanks @samth for the shoutout about the racket docker images :grin: it was very appreciated

2020-10-28 13:48:27

How do I compile racket to have futures-enabled? returning #t?

2020-10-28 14:22:06

I must have had [on my mac] pict-abbrevs already because I just retried on my mac what I did yesterday on win10 and it worked fine.

2020-10-28 14:44:44

If you’re on AArch64, you’ll need to configure with --enable-csdefault to build Racket CS, and then futures should be enabled. Racket BC does not support futures on AArch64.

2020-10-28 14:54:41

@ben do you want to update the readme to add raco pkg install pict-abbrevs ?

2020-10-28 15:04:28

Ok I’ll try

2020-10-28 15:15:49

no need, I updated the readme yesterday (the template has pict-abbrevs as a dependency)

@gknauth were you able to see the slides on mac? I don’t think pict-abbrevs has anything to do with the windows problem, because raco new seems to just make a clone

2020-10-28 15:29:06

My threads were getting killed when the response handler’s thread ended, so I created a separate custodian and used that custodian when creating my own threads w/in a response handler: https://github.com/lojic/RacketCon2020/blob/cecc8b3ac5f7b759ce759576678436d5b346a09c/TodoApp/axio/example-axio-env.rkt#L36


2020-10-28 15:41:04

@ben TL;DR Yes. Detail: gknauth@merlin% raco pkg install from-template gknauth@merlin% raco new ppict-slideshow-template . gknauth@merlin% slideshow <http://main.ss\|main.ss> standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found for module path: ppict/2 collection: "ppict" ... gknauth@merlin% raco pkg install ppict gknauth@merlin% slideshow <http://main.ss\|main.ss> standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found for module path: pict-abbrevs collection: "pict-abbrevs" ... gknauth@merlin% raco pkg install pict-abbrevs ... The following uninstalled packages are listed as dependencies of pict-abbrevs: lang-file ... Would you like to install these dependencies? [Y/n/a/c/?] Y The following uninstalled packages are listed as dependencies of lang-file: lang-file-lib Would you like to install these dependencies? [Y/n/a/c/?] Y ... gknauth@merlin% slideshow <http://main.ss\|main.ss> ;; happy happy joy joy

2020-10-28 20:24:48

@greg, racket-mode is running fine on GNU Emacs 24.3.1. I installed it manually, but it doesn’t seem to blow any error in the few things I’ve tried. I tried C-c C-z, C-c C-k, C-c C-t. Macro-expansion works, but only a first expansion is shown — the output gets printed in the REPL. The stepper doesn’t show the diff-comparisons. I suppose you designed it that way. Thanks for making the best of the 24-version.) CheckSyntax works.

2020-10-28 20:28:47

@anything It’s weird timing you mention this because I am literally now working on updating the visit-definition stuff to use the xref backend API introduced in Emacs 25.1.

2020-10-28 20:30:04

It has the concept of multiple xref “backends”.

2020-10-28 20:31:11

I’d like to respect a configuration where, if say racket-xp-mode cannot find a definition or reference, some other backend (e.g. etags or ggtags or dumbjump) gets to try.

2020-10-28 20:32:28

Not sure yet if I’ll end up wanting to merge that.

2020-10-28 20:33:07

But in general beware Racket Mode officially only supports 25.1 or newer, and the CI test are only run for that not 24.3.

2020-10-28 20:33:24

I’m pretty sure some things already don’t work well or at all < 25.1, I just don’t recall of the top of my head what.

2020-10-28 20:33:47

Having said all that if you need to use 24.3.1 I’m glad it’s mostly working well-enough for you, so far!

2020-10-29 00:35:15

Hi there! The timing is random! I decided to try today totally unaware of anything you have been doing. (Sorry if I missed any relevant events. Didn’t mean to be rude!) I have a GNU emacs 24 going on for various years and various reasons keep me from upgrading it. I reported just to share the facts. I didn’t mean to influence you in anything. Thanks for the marvelous work! I think the state of racket-mode in GNU Emacs 24.3.1 will probably let me stick with it for many more years. I have made an attempt to upgrade to GNU Emacs 27 and if I spend more time on it, I can probably make it — but in practice I do everything very slowly. (I’ll need to figure some stuff out in order to move on off of 24.3.1.) (I haven’t been using racket-mode in long while. I tried it a long while ago just to try but kept on using Geiser daily. The current features of racket-mode now are an irresistible proposition, so I tried again and was very happy — even though I knew 24 was not supported.)