2020-10-31 08:33:30

> Specifically, the script that gathers our list of contributors is failing on repositories with more than 250 commits between two releases. I may be missing some context here, but you can get the list of contributors between two releases using git shortlog , without having to use the GitHub API. For example, in the plot package I get:

git shortlog --summary v7.8..v7.9 7 Alex Harsanyi 4 Alex Harsányi 13 bdeket

2020-10-31 08:39:11

The duplicate names can be fixed using a mailmap file..

2020-11-1 03:36:22

should\|simplify-path remove \\?\ in windows paths? The <|Windows Paths> chapter goes into detail of how they work… it goes a little over my head, but the part where it explains the behavior of simplify-path for me, does not seem to indicate that \\?\ should be removed?