2020-11-30 16:56:45

@gknauth you didn’t want 64-bit?

2020-11-30 17:14:17

I tried 64 bit first and got an error. Let me see if it’s still on the screen… it is: Exec format error So I figured I had downloaded the wrong architecture installer. I think I had downloaded at 64-bit x86_64. When that didn’t work I looked at what might be available for ARM and all I saw was “32-bit ARMv6 VPC {default=CS or BC} built on Raspian.”

2020-11-30 17:36:15

Build from source was as straightforward as building on x86. No deviation from the required. It did take a bit of time (maybe about 90mins?) but I had it running while I was doing other things.

2020-11-30 18:12:44

Is there a way to adjust the reader so that parenthesized expression can be tagged similarly to read-curly-brace-with-tag, but for parens?

2020-11-30 18:29:16

What [RPi 4] packages did you need to download first so that you could build from source?

2020-11-30 22:42:13

I’m working through Matthew’s <|Creating Languages in Racket> article from the talk posted above, and I think it’s one of the best introductions to macros that I’ve seen. I think it deserves a placement on

2020-11-30 22:44:52

2020-11-30 22:45:49

Sure, but that seems somewhat transient. I’d like a permanent link to point new folks to.

2020-11-30 22:46:52

I meant as a supplement.

2020-11-30 22:48:15


2020-11-30 22:50:55

This is good stuff, but for me greg’s Fear of macros works better because it avoids the magical pattern based system and just starts with syntax transformers and rips apart all the magic to reveal the true bare bones, which turn out to be relatively simple.

2020-11-30 22:53:26

There are certainly pros/cons, and I think both are necessary. The preferred order is likely very subjective. Philosophically, I like Greg’s approach better, but I have to admit I followed the “Creating Languges in Racket” flow really well.

2020-11-30 22:54:49

It does read very well, that’s true

2020-11-30 22:57:13

I think the pattern used by define-verbs and define-one-verb might be sufficient for my needs in defining routes for a web framework. It’s at least worth experimenting with.

2020-11-30 23:17:14

I started with the ubuntu server 20.10 image. To that all I installed was the build-essential metapackage.

The same should work on Raspbian unless it is dramatically different.

2020-12-1 03:50:31

:tada: :santa::skin-tone–3: Advent of Code starts in 1 hour 10 minutes. Same leaderboard (Key: 22197-a7a01707) as last year. If you joined last year you’re already in the leaderboard. Join #advent-of-code for more advent of code chat.