2021-1-6 12:41:17

In this code, why does the ~@ have no effect? I was expecting the 2nd case to behave like the 3rd case, not like the 1st.

2021-1-6 12:43:16

IIRC ~@ is for splicing. Like:

(foo {~@ a b} ...) is going to be:

(foo a b a b a b) (however long a and b is)

2021-1-6 12:44:43

I think you want {~@ . args.header}?

2021-1-6 12:45:47

oh, right! Well spotted! Now that makes sense :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks!

2021-1-6 12:46:54

Side question: What’s your {...} convention?

2021-1-6 12:47:44

Oh, I just prefer to use {~...} for stuff from syntax/parse (~and, ~?, etc)

2021-1-6 12:47:58

I think I got it from @lexi.lambda’s blog post.

2021-1-6 12:49:44

Personally for me, it makes it easier to distinguish meta {template, pattern} from actual {template, pattern}.

2021-1-6 13:06:35

Apropos, how do you pronounce ~@ and ~? As “splicing template insertion” and “only insert full template”?

2021-1-6 13:08:33

Another syntax-parse question: It appears that attributes don’t ‘propagate’ well. In this example, even though we have access to the attribute the-id in the syntax class two, we can’t obtain the attribute hey from x.the-id even though it should be of syntax-class one.

One solution is to explicitly bounce the attributes of syntax-class one to syntax-class two , but is there a way to avoid this?

2021-1-6 13:09:01

“tilde at” and “tilde question mark” :smile:

2021-1-6 13:10:53

I believe I asked the same question before, and the answer IIRC is no. You need to propagate it yourself.

2021-1-6 13:11:38

I see, thank you. Probably by now I owe you a beer or two, or whatever beverage you enjoy :smile:

2021-1-6 13:22:51

How about: (define-simple-macro (parse-two x:two) #:with y:one #'x y.hey) (parse-two a)

2021-1-6 13:23:40

Not automatic, but close.

2021-1-6 13:24:45

Interesting. This forces a second parsing though I guess?

2021-1-6 13:24:57


2021-1-6 13:25:20

(since i’m parsing lists, this can have a cost)

2021-1-6 13:37:36

Note that it’s a compile time cost, which is usually not going to be a lot unless your program is 1M lines long.

2021-1-6 13:38:25

I decided to use /context instead, as I find it more specific.

2021-1-6 13:41:24

Doubling the parsing cost of a define form is probably not a benign issue though. I kind of intend to eventually use this form everywhere from now on.

2021-1-6 14:30:01

I’m not sure what your mean. You’re always using some custodian. Is the question whether having lots of them is expensive?

2021-1-6 15:20:57

@curiouslearn has joined the channel

2021-1-6 15:26:25

Hi! First time post here. I am exploring the plot package in Racket. I am very new to racket in general…started looking at it this week. The plot package looks great. Here is my question.

When I create a plot, the ends of the plot look like they got cut. I was having the same issue when I was playing with the pict package. But the inset command in the pict package solves the problem. Is there something similar for the plot package? Essentially, I want some margin around the plot, so that it does not like it got cut. I suppose one can output a pict using the plot package and then use inset with that pict before saving to a file. But I was wondering whether there is a setting in the plot package to create than margin/gap around the plot. Thank you. Hoping to use Racket more and more for my work.

2021-1-6 15:27:45

Hi Welcome!

I have a hunch. But can you say a little more about where you see the “cut”. Maybe paste a screenshot here?

2021-1-6 15:28:45

In that use case, I would worry about performance too.

2021-1-6 15:33:49

Thank you @soegaard2. Here is the picture. Please look at –1 at the bottom and 4 at the top. They have been rendered fully. I am also copying and pasting the code.

#lang racket (require plot/no-gui) (plot-x-axis? #f) (plot-y-axis? #f) (plot-x-far-axis? #f) (plot-y-far-axis? #f) ;;(plot (function sin (- pi) pi)) (define sqrplt (plot-file (list (y-axis 0 #:labels? #t) (x-axis 0 #:labels? #t) (function sqr -2 2) (lines (list '(-2 1) '(1 2) '(3 1))) (point-label '(0 1) "Plot" #:size 24 #:color "steelblue")) "sqplot.svg" #:y-min -1))

2021-1-6 15:42:08

I see the same thing when plotting directly inside DrRacket: #lang racket (require plot) (plot-x-axis? #f) (plot-y-axis? #f) (plot-x-far-axis? #f) (plot-y-far-axis? #f) ;;(plot (function sin (- pi) pi)) (plot (list (y-axis 0 #:labels? #t) (x-axis 0 #:labels? #t) (function sqr -2 2) (lines (list '(-2 1) '(1 2) '(3 1))) (point-label '(0 1) "Plot" #:size 24 #:color "steelblue")) ;"sqplot.svg" #:y-min -1) Definitely a bug. You should file an issue here:

2021-1-6 15:43:43

The immediate fix is to plot a little more: #lang racket (require plot/no-gui) (plot-x-axis? #f) (plot-y-axis? #f) (plot-x-far-axis? #f) (plot-y-far-axis? #f) ;;(plot (function sin (- pi) pi)) (define sqrplt (plot-file (list (y-axis 0 #:labels? #t) (x-axis 0 #:labels? #t) (function sqr -2.1 2.1) (lines (list '(-2 1) '(1 2) '(3 1))) (point-label '(0 1) "Plot" #:size 24 #:color "steelblue") ) "sqplot.png" #:y-min -1.2 #:y-max 4.1))

2021-1-6 15:44:31

Note that the automatic label computation wants to label –2, 0, 2, 4. So the label at –1 disappears abouve.

2021-1-6 15:44:55

Thank you @laurent.orseau. Yes, I saw it in DrRacket too. Maybe the issue in case of pict package is also a bug. Will file a bug.

2021-1-6 15:46:01

If you need the label at –1 you will need to make one explicitly.

2021-1-6 15:46:09

Thank you @soegaard2. I will try that workaround for now.

2021-1-6 15:49:07

The options available for the decorators are seen here. But … I must be missing something - what do if I want to draw a “point label” with no point. Errrr. I mean if I just want to draw the label?

2021-1-6 15:55:53

I have not tried it. But will making #:point-size 0 do the job?

2021-1-6 15:56:46

That would work.

2021-1-6 15:58:56

During make both, I get this error:

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make sysinfer3m ./racket3m -cqu ../../bc/mksystem.rkt system.rktd "gcc -E -I. -I../../bc/include -I../../bc/src -I../../bc/../version -g -O2 -DOS_X -D_DARWIN_UNLIMITED_SELECT -fno-common -DUSE_SENORA_GC -Wno-nullability-completeness ../../bc/src/systype.c" "bc" machine "./racket3m" "./racket3m" make[13]: *** [sysinfer3m] Killed: 9

2021-1-6 15:59:25

Rerunning doesn’t fix the issue. Does anyone (@mflatt?) know what could have caused it, and how to fix it?

2021-1-6 16:02:32

What architecture?

2021-1-6 16:02:40

Mac M1

2021-1-6 16:02:50

Does deleting racket3m manually solve the problem?

2021-1-6 16:12:11

That doesn’t solve the problem, but discarding the whole bc directory does (well, it’s still not finished building, but it gets past that step).

2021-1-6 16:12:14

Thank you!

2021-1-6 16:25:15

Another “koan,” this time with continuations. I thought I understood things, but I had to twist myself around to get this to work: #lang racket ;; 3. Prompts, aborts and continuations ;; Exceptions are powered by an underlying mechanism of prompts, aborts and ;; continuations. If we take a simplified analogy with Algol family languages, ;; 'prompts' in use are a generalization of 'try..catch', 'aborts' are a ;; generalization of 'throw', and continuations are a generalization of some ;; WIP state of computation. These three concepts power the ability to divide ;; up Racket's work, then jump to the dividing lines at the author's ;; discretion. ;; ;; For helpful visual aids, see <> ;; Complete and then capture this foldl computation such ;; that you may apply it using only a list. (define *captured-fold* (lambda (l) (fail "Redefine *captured-fold* to pass the test."))) This was the template I had to fill in: ; (call/cc ; (lambda (k) ; (foldl (lambda (a b) "?") "?" '()) ; (void))) Here was my eventual solution (call-with-continuation-prompt (λ () (foldl + 0 (call-with-composable-continuation (λ (k) (set! *captured-fold* k) '()))))) (check-eqv? (*captured-fold* '(1 2 3)) 6) But I tried using call/cc and nested call/cc or call-with-composable-continuation and kept getting continuations that looked like they returned void (no print at repl) or multiple values (like 0 0 at repl or 0 6 at repl). Further, the check-eqv? stayed silent, even if I changed it to (check-eqv? … 7) on all of my attempts except the one shown… color me very confused

2021-1-6 16:33:08

Is this the same as the foldk here: Note the comment about implementing foldk in Scheme with call/cc.

2021-1-6 17:20:48

@soegaard2 so the continuation-prompt seems necessary? Otherwise, calling *captured-fold* would jump out of check-eqv?, right? Hm, maybe I need two call/ccs to get this right.

2021-1-6 17:21:32

I like your solution. It seems call/cc often captures “too much”.

2021-1-6 17:21:59

Especially if tested in the repl.

2021-1-6 17:29:00

Yeah, two cc’s didn’t make sense. I think you’re correct re: “too much”—the guide says A more traditional continuation operator in Racket (or Scheme) is call-with-current-continuation, which is usually abbreviated call/cc. It is like call-with-composable-continuation, but applying the captured continuation first aborts (to the current prompt) before restoring the saved continuation. And each REPL interaction implicitly has a prompt. But I still wonder at having to compose the prompt and the composable continuation to avoid ignoring check-eqv?

2021-1-6 17:30:13

Good point. I mean creating and freeing many of them a lot. Like a lot of possibly short lived custodians.

2021-1-6 17:47:27

Hmm, when I wrote my initial question I didn’t have a real intuition of the costs of custodian start up and shutdown. Now I’m thinking that startup is fairly fixed (allocation + registration in the parent custodian) and shutdown is (roughly) proportional to the number of resources managed by the custodian, but the clean up happens asynchronously to the user threads?

2021-1-6 17:53:03

I believe that’s the case.

2021-1-6 20:18:07

Racket users video meetup - Jan 9, 2021 at 8pm CET, via Gather Town.\| There’ll be (optionally) lightning talks and the paper for discussion (optional pre-reading) is the featured paper: Macros for Domain-Specific Languages.\|

2021-1-6 21:25:58

Is Mac OS 64-bit Apple Silicon build cs or bc ?

2021-1-6 22:21:43

Interesting. Seem like a bug I should report?

2021-1-7 00:34:12


2021-1-7 00:34:42

All snapshot builds are CS unless labeled “BC”.

2021-1-7 00:50:25

A couple of weeks ago, I complained about syntax-parse parsing literal ids as identifiers or expressions. Although this can, sometimes, be prevented by carefully ordering alternatives, it’s not a general solution. I came up with a simple solution that prevents this behavior in all cases. {begin-for-syntax (struct syntax-literal () #:property prop:set!-transformer (λ (self stx) (raise-syntax-error #f "not allowed as an expression" stx))) (define-syntax-class safe-id #:description "non-literal id" #:attributes () [pattern {~and _:id {~not {~var _ (static syntax-literal? #f)}}}]) (define-syntax-class safe-expr #:description "expr that is not a literal" #:attributes () [pattern {~and _:expr {~not {~var _ (static syntax-literal? #f)}}}]) }

2021-1-7 02:31:47

thanks everyone :+1: the Forge developers say they learned many things … I hope that means they’re successful now :white_check_mark:

2021-1-7 02:42:40

@mflatt Does this look like a bug to you?

2021-1-7 04:05:23

This only works if the literal isn’t going to be bound to something else.

2021-1-7 04:05:49

In general this behavior is just ordered pattern matching and I recommend not trying to work around it

2021-1-7 04:06:19

If you really need literals that aren’t expressions keywords might be a better solution

2021-1-7 04:11:07

The only reason that I’m not using keywords is that they don‘t look great, in my particular use case, because the keywords would be #::, #:=, #:⇒, #:... &c.

2021-1-7 04:18:02

I’m sorry, I should‘ve specified that I was only talking about literals that are used exclusively as a token, like ....

2021-1-7 04:39:08

We ought to write this advice down in the racket docs somewhere

2021-1-7 04:49:57

Oh, a really useful approach I forgot to mention: if they want something interactive to show up in the drracket REPL, they can implement a snip%

2021-1-7 06:06:41

anyone else seeing “invalid memory reference” errors? I don’t think I’ve ever seen those before, but some are popping up when I run tests. I’m on 7.9 CS. (I can give more details, or make a ticket, but I thought I’d first check whether others are seeing this kind of thing.)

2021-1-7 06:32:09

it’s an error message leaking out from Chez Scheme into Racket. So there are many possibilities ( and is worth figuring out.