2021-2-20 10:51:48

Hi. I’m not sure where to put this. I’m having trouble signing in to https://pkgs.racket-lang.org. I’m trying to reset my password and I’m not getting an email with a code.

2021-2-20 13:04:51

There’s a recent <https://groups.google.com/g/racket-users/c/4cVhFj_7x7E/m/5L2IYeluCAAJ|post from Tony> about changes to the password reset and registration code. First, double-check your spam filters to see if the email got caught there. If not, you can reply to the post or email Tony directly (see post for email).

2021-2-20 15:24:24

I checked my spam, and the email was there :man-facepalming:. Thanks for your help.

2021-2-20 18:54:15

Does anyone know the mechanism used by include-template to know when to recompile the file containing include-template when the file that include-template includes is changed? I’m watching Sam’s “Great Metaprogram-off” video, and the Elixir person mentioned explicitly declaring the text file as a resource to accomplish this. I just looked through a handful of Racket source files to find the answer, but I didnt’ get far :)

2021-2-20 18:56:34

Relevant portion of <https://www.twitch.tv/videos/920479571|the Elixir comment> is at 0:42:00.

2021-2-20 19:00:00

2021-2-20 19:01:06

Hmm.. but wouldn’t raco make skip compiling the outer .rkt file if it found a .zo ?

2021-2-20 19:01:28

Yes, I believe so.

2021-2-20 19:02:37

But, I think it does the right thing. I use templates for my web app, and I’m pretty sure that if I change the .html file, Racket will appropriately recompile the .rkt file that includes it. I could be mis-remembering though.

2021-2-20 19:03:44

In other words, I thought Racket was implicitly doing what was happening in Elixir with that “resource” declaration i.e. declaring the .html template file as a dependency.

2021-2-20 19:06:28

I can’t see anything in the docs about this issue. It is worth an experiment to see if, it actually does follow your expectations.


2021-2-20 19:08:20

I’m 99.9% sure that if I change a .html file and then compile my main web app file, it will pickup the change.

2021-2-20 19:08:38

Maybe @jeapostrophe knows :)

2021-2-20 19:08:55

Although, I think it’s more of a Scribble thing than a web server thing.

2021-2-20 19:25:12

That was a great session, and not only because I learned that Elixir enthusiasts should not own an Alexa :)

2021-2-20 19:38:52

Yes, it uses the same mechanism as include to register the relationship with the compiler

2021-2-20 21:19:09

:wave::skin-tone–3:, I’m trying to see if it’s possible to regenerate documentation for a linked development package? It seems that doc is only generated on raco pkg install ... but it’s not possible to update a linked package so…?

2021-2-20 21:21:57

You can use raco setup &lt;collection-name&gt; or raco setup --pkgs &lt;package-name&gt;.

2021-2-20 21:22:52

that was simple :}

2021-2-20 21:23:04

thanks :thumbsup:

2021-2-20 21:54:52

Well spotted.