2021-2-21 13:01:12

I believe sending an email to should work to subscribe if you don’t have(or want) a google account, but I’ve been unable to successfully test this subscription method as the Join This Group link in the confirmation email is https://groups.google.com/group/racket-users/subscribe\|https://groups.google.com/group/racket-users/subscribe rather than a subscription confirmation link.

Can anyone else test this with a non-google linked email account? (Please ‘reply in thread’)

EDIT: replying to the email allows you to subscribe without a google account. Thank you @samdphillips

2021-2-21 13:07:15

Assuming the above is confirmed :arrow_right:Is needing a Google account a problem for subscribing to the mailing list?

:large_blue_circle: no it’s not a problem for me :large_orange_circle: yes needing a g account is a problem for me. (Replies ‘in thread’ please)

2021-2-21 18:26:49

@pmenair has joined the channel

2021-2-21 18:45:15

> In order for us to complete the request, please reply to this email I replied to the email and did not have to use a google account at all.

2021-2-21 18:51:08

The web ui does force you into having an account though.

2021-2-21 18:53:05

I probably should try reading ! The token is in the subject.

2021-2-21 19:04:58

We’ve all been trained to click on the buttons :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-2-21 23:25:19

mentioned this before: https://blog.discourse.org/2018/11/free-hosting-for-open-source-v2/ , but discourse forums provide free hosting for open source projects. Its a nicer alternative to google groups but idk who from the racket team is willing to claim it and migrate everything over…

2021-2-22 02:45:37

> (struct Empty ()) > (struct Cons ([car : Integer] [cdr : (U Empty Cons)])) ; readline-input:6:46: Type Checker: parse error in type; ; type name `Cons' is unbound ; in: Cons ; [,bt for context] doesn’t work in the REPL w/ racket -I typed/racket, but works when entered in a file. is this a bug

2021-2-22 02:50:42

obviously this is not very important, though

2021-2-22 02:51:08

“toplevel is hopeless” ?

2021-2-22 02:51:10

The DrRacket REPL also doesn’t work

2021-2-22 02:51:45

I was looking into this on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66243289/how-to-define-a-recursive-struct-in-typed-racket seems like this may be that issue

2021-2-22 02:52:15

but again the obvious solution is to put it in a file

2021-2-22 02:53:00

My very wild guess would be that #%top-interaction of Typed Racket is buggy

2021-2-22 03:58:10

It’s really that the top level is hopeless

2021-2-22 03:58:25

And there could be but probably isn’t a specific workaround for this

2021-2-22 07:19:02

is there an option for “it’s not a problem for me personally but it’s still a problem”