2021-4-22 12:41:57

I just have to express my gratitude right now. I recently realised ow amazingly powerful racket and drracket are; using it at work now for prototyping including IDE components and GUI stuff. It´s just such a great tool

2021-4-22 22:20:50

Thank you, Ryan! The -CAfile also seems to work. <|Full log here>. DrRacket still remains unable to. [-\|2021-04-22T19:20:04] ERROR: ssl-accept/enable-break: accept failed (error:14094418:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca) I prepared this client-package a while ago. I’m going to redo all the steps and see if I can reproduce the problem from the instructions given by handin server.

2021-4-23 02:22:14

@dbchristenson has joined the channel