2021-4-26 14:42:58

Or JSON. In my weather world it seems everyone reads/writes JSON.

2021-4-26 17:33:46

@mdmitry94 has joined the channel

2021-4-26 18:07:21

Hi all. (now solved, see my response down thread)

I’m trying to shadow a binding using syntax-parameterize during a call to syntax-local-expand-expression followed by a call to syntax-local-eval. I’m doing this because I need to be able to recover a string so that I can run string-append at syntax time, thus I can’t wait for other parts of the expansion process to finish.

Here is a minimal example.

#lang racket (require racket/stxparam (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax syntax/parse)) (begin-for-syntax (define eval-fun (make-parameter eval))) (define-rename-transformer-parameter node (make-rename-transformer #'node-node)) (define-syntax (sa-node stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ body ...) (datum->syntax #'(body ...) (apply string-append (map (λ (e) (syntax->datum (local-expand e 'expression #f))) (syntax-e #'(body ...)))))])) (define-syntax sa-must (make-rename-transformer #'sa-node)) (define-syntax sa-outer (make-rename-transformer #'sa-node)) (define-syntax (outer stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ body ...) (define-values (transparent opaque) (syntax-local-expand-expression #'(syntax-parameterize ([node (make-rename-transformer #'sa-node)]) (sa-outer body ...)))) (datum->syntax #'(body ...) ((eval-fun) transparent))])) (define-syntax (node-node stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ body ...) #'(list 'node body ...)])) (module+ test-ok (define out (sa-must "yes! " (outer (node "outer")))) out (define in (syntax-parameterize ([node (make-rename-transformer #'sa-node)]) (sa-must "yes! " (outer (node "inner"))))) in) #; ; uncomment this to see the error (module+ test-fail (begin-for-syntax (eval-fun syntax-local-eval)) (define out (sa-must "yes! " (outer (node "outer")))) (define in (syntax-parameterize ([node (make-rename-transformer #'sa-node)]) (sa-must "yes! " (outer (node "inner"))))) ) I feel like I’m nearly there, and am winding up with syntax-local-expand-expression producing a value like

(let-values () (#%expression (let-values () (quote "oops")))) If I try to use syntax-local-eval or eval-syntax to reduce the let-values and the #%expression I get hit with

; let-values: unbound identifier; ; also, no #%top syntax transformer is bound in the transformer phase ; in: let-values If I use regular eval it works and will reduce to "oops" but only in the original module. I get the same error if I require the form and call it in another module.

Is there some require for-meta phase that I can use so that the racket/base bindings are visible during syntax-local-eval. Alternately is there a better way to achieve this?


2021-4-26 18:14:08

There is a thread from 2018 in this channel that suggests that I probably just need to yank out the value nested in the let-values and not try to use eval at all.

2021-4-26 18:21:07

The solution is to run that eval in a static namespace

2021-4-26 18:23:33

For example: (begin-for-syntax (define-namespace-anchor anc-mal) (define ns-mal (namespace-anchor->namespace anc-mal))) ... (parameterize ([current-namespace ns-mal]) (eval transparent))

2021-4-27 00:28:19

Hi, I want to create an editor for Racket using racket/gui. However, I’m not sure how to evaluate programs written in the editor. Could anyone help me? Thanks. #lang racket/gui (require racket/gui/base) (define frame (new frame% [label "Example"] [width 200] [height 200])) (define editor (new editor-canvas% [parent frame])) (define text (new text%)) (send editor set-editor text) (send frame show #t)

2021-4-27 00:45:05

I recommend looking for the paper “revenge of the son of the lisp machine” which discusses this

2021-4-27 02:18:29

seems like racket langserver and now supports autocomplete :party:

2021-4-27 02:57:02

Thank you! I’ll read it.

2021-4-27 02:57:26

One more question: I would like to provide a button, which, when pressed, inserts placeholders (highlighted in gray) representing required arguments. How can I do this? In particular, I would like to know how to place the cursor in the right position.

#lang racket/gui (require racket/gui/base) (define frame (new frame% [label "Example"]           [width 200]           [height 200])) (define panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent frame])) (define button-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent panel][min-width 10])) (define editor (new editor-canvas% [parent panel][min-width 800])) (define text (new text%)) (send editor set-editor text) (new button% [parent button-panel]    [label "check-expect"]    [callback (lambda (button event)          (send text insert "(check-expect")          ;(send text insert-box)          (send text insert "  ) \n"))]) (send frame show #t)

2021-4-27 05:21:27

This is probably the third time I’ve recreated this function in a few different projects. It is the simplest thing that I could come up with that does the job, and I’m sure will fail spectacularly in certain circumstances. Does anyone have a version of this (or better even) in a package? Is functionality like this something that could possibly be added to the standard library (or maybe I’ve missed it?) (define (gunzip-port input-port) (define-values (pull-in push-out) (make-pipe)) (thread (lambda () (gunzip-through-ports input-port push-out) (close-output-port push-out))) pull-in)

2021-4-27 06:21:24

So you would trade 7 lines of code for an extra package dependency on your project? Personally, I wouldn’t, but each to their own…

2021-4-27 06:38:30

I would guess that a more robust implementation would be more than 7 lines

2021-4-27 06:59:14

Is there a difference between in-sequences and sequence-append?