2021-5-27 13:52:58

Hello. Can anybody help me? i need help with define-syntax code here https://pastebin.com/tPjjPRxY

i need macros which convert (define bsl-lang1 [lexer-src-pos (lex-Keyword ("И" "And" and )) ]) into (define bsl-lang1 [lexer-src-pos [(lex-ci "И") (token-ANDlexeme (string=? lexeme "И") 'Ru)] [(lex-ci "And") (token-AND lexeme (string=? lexeme "And") 'En)] ])

2021-5-27 14:00:53

Well, the real tricky part is the final language symbol. It’s not located anywhere in the input but the macro is somehow supposed to know what language each string is.

2021-5-27 14:07:32

Assuming you can change it around a bit, something like this might get you going a bit: (define-syntax (lex-keyword stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ predicate (grapheme lang) ...) #'([(lex-ci grapheme) (predicate lexeme (string=? lexeme grapheme) lang)] ...)])) (lex-keyword token-AND ("И" 'Ru) ("And" 'En)) I don’t know if the last and symbol in your example is supposed to turn into token-AND or if it’s used for something else, so replaced it with predicate at the start so ... could be used into the syntax case match.

2021-5-27 14:09:16

Since lexer-src-pos is a macro and it won’t cooperate with your lex-Keyword, I think you need to also define your own lexer-src-pos.

2021-5-27 14:10:46

Not quite sure how that works since lexer-src-pos is an output of itself, unless it handles multiple input cases very carefully :slightly_smiling_face:

2021-5-27 14:11:16

Anyway, hopefully the above info helps @wwall

2021-5-27 19:06:01

I’m trying to use browser/external for the send-url function, which is fine on my local machine, but when I try to use it on my EC2 instance it dies because libcairo, etc. are not installed.

I’m basically building a tool where it can used used as a CLI and one of the options is to serve a website, in which case I don’t need the send-url function, but otherwise I do. Not sure how to get around this?

2021-5-27 19:19:57

I think you want to use net/sendurl instead of browser/external

2021-5-27 19:21:05


2021-5-27 21:24:24

@robby I am wondering if the way that the contract system treats prefab structures should be more or less the same as how TR does: (module untyped1 racket (provide (contract-out (struct foo ([i number?])))) (struct foo (i) #:prefab)) (module untyped2 racket (require (submod ".." untyped1)) (foo 10) (foo "hi") ;; contract violation expected: number? given: "hi" (foo-i #s(foo "hi")) ;; foo-i: broke its own contract ) (module typed typed/racket (struct foo ([i : Number]) #:prefab) (foo 10) (foo "hi") ;; Type Error: Expected: Number, Given: String (foo-i #s(foo "hi")) ;; type checks, because foo-i is a (All (X) (-> (Prefab foo X) X)) ) (require 'untyped2) (require 'typed)

2021-5-27 21:26:48

You could also do something like (lazy-*require* [browser/external (send-url)]). I do exactly this in the command that starts the http://digitalricoeur.org\|digitalricoeur.org server.

2021-5-27 22:33:02

I think you’re saying that, in the case that foo is bound via a #:prefab struct declaration that the contract-out declaration shouldn’t introduce foo-i like this: (contract-out [foo-i (-> foo? number?)]) but instead like this: (contract-out [foo-i (-> foo? any/c)]) If I’m getting that right, I’m not sure that that would be an improvement, even leaving aside the backwards compatibility issues. (I’m not generally up to date in general; please @ me if I miss a reply and my apologies in advance.)

2021-5-27 22:33:27

learn somethign new every day! that’s a nice tip!

2021-5-27 23:00:08

I mean I’m not asking for the hash itself to be sorted, I’m asking for the resulting sequence to be sorted

2021-5-28 01:44:08

there isn’t much difference, functionally, if you’re trying to avoid sorting the keys yourself first with a separate sort expression

2021-5-28 06:16:16

I’d like to combine racklog with redex, but for that I need to call (%which (a b c d) (%= term1 term2))) where term1 and term2 are calcualted and a b c d is a calculated list of varaibles derived from term1 and term2 , what is the best way to do this?