2021-6-22 19:06:44

@greg when I press c-c c-d, how does Racket-mode choose between the local documentation copy or the one on\|

2021-6-22 19:24:24

It asks xref-binding->definition-tag (from scribble/xref) whether it knows about the identifier.

If yes, it gets a URL from xref-tag->path+anchor. In that case IIRC it will be local (modulo whatever config Racket itself offers in this regard).

If not, it treats the thing as a string to search for. This follows the Racket Mode Emacs config variable racket-documentation-search-location, which can be 'local or it can be a format string to form a URL using the search string. The default is not local, it’s "<>".

TL;DR if you want it always local, you probably should change that racket-documentation-search-location config to 'local. (I defaulted it to the web because reasons I don’t recall right now, but is probably in some GitHub issues discusson; there were also some PRs I merged from folks wrt doc search w/in the last year.)

2021-6-22 20:01:24

FWIW wlangstroth/vim-racket (and consequently my fork under benknoble) do a local doc search when you press K. I’m not sure we have a way to configure that

2021-6-22 23:01:38

Quick question—is there anything we can do to make it so that Racket stops throwing these “read-compiled-linklet: version mismatch” errors? Skipping the compiled file, or recompiling it, anything is probably fine. I recall I asked once before and the answer was that it was hard, but I’m wondering if anything has changed.

2021-6-22 23:34:59

I think I’m remembering a justification for searching the web, in the case where xref-binding-&gt;definition-tag fails.

I think it was: one reason it might fail is because a package providing an identifier with that name isn’t installed locally. So it’s a means of discovery.

Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean searching the web is the best default for most users. Maybe it should be local, to be consistent.

2021-6-23 00:50:43

That sounds reasonable when the identifier isn’t known locally.

2021-6-23 01:02:52

Unfortunately, nothing has changed. I imagine someone recommend the “custom-load” package before, but if not, give that a try.

2021-6-23 01:59:15

can the error message be improved? it’s pretty arcane for something that occurs relatively frequently

2021-6-23 06:56:29

Ignoring errors is generally bad.