2021-7-10 11:46:08

~in scribble/manual, I have [edited]~ ~but boolean? (available in racket/base) is still underlined in red. What am I missing, again?~ raco setup my-pkg solved it.

2021-7-10 12:16:24

Related: How does one use #:escape in <\|examples> scribble/example? I though the syntax would be (examples #:eval ev #:hidden #:escape WOO (WOO `(require racket/string racket/port ,@mods))) but that throws WOO: undefined; cannot reference an identifier before its definition

2021-7-10 12:55:17

and when I try to use #, which is the default, it throws: eval:1:0: unsyntax: illegal outside of quasisyntax (examples #:eval ev #:hidden #,(begin (displayln "woo") `(require racket/string racket/port ,@mods)))

2021-7-10 13:48:10

I’m trying to getting used to the package server to look into .

I can start the server locally. It lists the packages, I can start the registration process and I see in the terminal the access code. When I complete the registration with the code from the terminal, I get the following stacktrace both in the terminal and in the browser: infrastructure-userdb/registration: Got valid code for "<\|>" racket-pkg-website/users: Updating user record "<\|>" infrastructure-userdb/db: Updating user '#s(user-info "<\|>" #"$2y$12$Yv/JNH4tl LC9NvXIWytllOhjgfK3PjEz69sIwjxIMFWZkcQZxhBq2\0" #hash()) simple-json-rpc: sensitive request "/api/authenticate" Servlet (@ /register-or-reset;((%22k%22%20.%20%22(52%202%2076361724)%22))) exception: tcp-connect: connection failed hostname: localhost port number: 8445 system error: Connection refused; errno=111 context...: /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt:1845:0: do-ssl-connect /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:555:3 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/http-client.rkt:67:0: http-conn-open! /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/http-client.rkt:274:0: http-conn-open /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:555:3 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/url.rkt:201:0: <http://getpost-impure-port> /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/url.rkt:271:0: getpost-pure-port /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:489:18 /home/schwa/sd/racket/racket-pkg-website/src/json-rpc.rkt:17:0: simple-json-rpc! /home/schwa/sd/racket/racket-pkg-website/src/site.rkt:369:0: create-session-after-authentication- success! /home/schwa/sd/racket/racket-pkg-website/src/site.rkt:325:0: login-or-register-flow* /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-higher-order.rkt:375:33 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-servlets. rkt:63:2 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/private/dispatch-server-with-c onnect-unit.rkt:101:2 Any idea how to fix this and continue? I can browse the local package server via https after accepting the self-signed certificate.

What might be related, though, is that I see many of these stacktraces (also before starting the registration process): port-&gt;ssl-ports: accept failed (input terminated prematurely) context...: /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt:1550:0: wrap-ports /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:555:3 .../private/arrow-higher-order.rkt:375:33 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/private/dispatch-server-with-c onnect-unit.rkt:87:0: handle-connection/cm27 although in the browser it looks like the requests succeeded, for example, package information is displayed.

2021-7-10 14:01:13

From the docs of racketblock.

2021-7-10 14:01:41

Since free-identifier=? is used, I expect you need to write #'WOO.

2021-7-10 14:20:23

There are two servers: racket-pkg-website and pkg-index/official. The former consults the latter to authenticate (I’m not sure why), so you have to be running both.

2021-7-10 14:27:31

I tried this also and failed, but i think it should not be the case anyway because racketblock is already syntax and thus takes syntax objects

2021-7-10 14:48:16

You are right, #:escape WOO ought to do.

(define-syntax (examples stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ (~or (~optional (~seq #:eval eval:expr)) (~optional (~and #:once once-kw)) (~optional (~seq #:escape escape:id)) ...))

2021-7-10 16:36:41

Is this the “backend server” that’s mentioned in the configuration section of ?

2021-7-10 17:03:47


2021-7-10 17:33:39

FWIW, setting the pkg-index server in the config of racket-pkg-website (“frontend server”) to the global server as suggested in the README didn’t work. When submitting the registration code, I got a (shorter) stacktrace (I think 3 or 4 stack levels) in the terminal and in the browser. I don’t have the stacktrace handy anymore.

I’m now running the backend server locally. When submitting the registration code (second part of the registration), I get the stacktrace in the terminal: racket-pkg-website/users: Sending account registration email to "<\|>" infrastructure-userdb/registration: Generated new code b42113444cc857ad0e1f8e2d for "<\|>" racket-pkg-website/users: Checking registration code for "<\|>" infrastructure-userdb/registration: Got valid code for "<\|>" racket-pkg-website/users: Updating user record "<\|>" infrastructure-userdb/db: Updating user '#s(user-info "<\|>" #"$2y$12$Lt4FasquDvP1TL1gp56TWOa6pp98Dk/fwy236FMRzWmW60FxMWdQ2\0" #hash()) simple-json-rpc: sensitive request "/api/authenticate" Servlet (@ /register-or-reset;((%22k%22%20.%20%22(4%205%2041013006)%22))) exception: ssl-connect: connect failed (input terminated prematurely) context...: /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt:606:0: error/network /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt:1550:0: wrap-ports /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:555:3 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/http-client.rkt:67:0: http-conn-open! /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/http-client.rkt:274:0: http-conn-open /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:555:3 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/url.rkt:201:0: <http://getpost-impure-port> /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/net/url.rkt:271:0: getpost-pure-port /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt:489:18 /home/schwa/sd/racket/racket-pkg-website/src/json-rpc.rkt:17:0: simple-json-rpc! /home/schwa/sd/racket/racket-pkg-website/src/site.rkt:369:0: create-session-after-authentication-success! /home/schwa/sd/racket/racket-pkg-website/src/site.rkt:325:0: login-or-register-flow* /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/collects/racket/contract/private/arrow-higher-order.rkt:375:33 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-servlets.rkt:63:2 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/private/dispatch-server-with-connect-unit.rkt:101:2 write-bytes: output port is closed output port: #&lt;output-port:SSL tcp-accepted&gt; context...: /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/http/response.rkt:104:0: output-response-head /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/http/response.rkt:33:4 /home/schwa/sd/racket/current/share/pkgs/web-server-lib/web-server/private/dispatch-server-with-connect-unit.rkt:101:2 racket-pkg-website/users: Checking registration code for "<\|>" infrastructure-userdb/registration: Got invalid code for "<\|>" At the end it says the code is invalid, but I’m quite sure it’s correct. What’s interesting now is that the above stacktrace appears, I think, more than 10 seconds after submitting the form with the code. So it seems there’s a timeout and the frontend server wrongly concludes that the code was invalid. (But I’m guessing here.)

I don’t see anything printed in the terminal where the backend server runs. But obviously there’s a difference to before in that the stacktrace is different and it appears after a relatively long time. So I assume that there’s at least a low-level network connection established between the frontend and backend server when submitting the registration code, but maybe the SSL connection isn’t established properly.

2021-7-10 17:52:24

> There are two servers: racket-pkg-website and pkg-index/official. The former consults the latter to authenticate (I’m not sure why), so you have to be running both. As I understand the documentation, the backend server stores the user data, especially password hashes. So I guess the idea is to be able to separate the actual package handling from the more sensitive user registration and login.