2021-7-14 08:04:17

I remember ranting about the previously ambiguous text of this button, but it has been fixed, so thanks to whoever did it! \o/

2021-7-14 08:58:39

oh wow, I never knew that’s what that did

2021-7-14 10:02:27

for those of you with an interest in transducers:

2021-7-14 10:07:28

haha, that’s awesome! :smile: The colors for list and mapping-sqr on the very last line are pretty hard to see though (or is it me?). also, it would be nice to keep displaying the results that have already been processed, maybe in a darker color

2021-7-14 10:18:49

it’s not just you, it’s hard to see against my darker theme

2021-7-14 10:19:10

I didn’t get around to fixing that :p

2021-7-14 13:17:28

@mflatt Can codeblock examples be used directly? (I have a hunch the answer is no).

@codeblock{ #lang sketching (define (setup) (size 200 200) (no-loop)) (define x 0) (define (draw) (background 204) (+= x 1) (when (> x width) (:= x 0)) (line x 0 x height)) (define (on-mouse-pressed) (loop)) (define (on-mouse-released) (no-loop))}

2021-7-14 13:39:08

Sorry — I don’t understand the question. That use of codeblock looks like something that would work. Is the question related to the examples form, which evaluates things?

2021-7-14 13:46:48

I guess the question is: “Since #lang sketching requires racket/gui will the above codeblock lead to racket/gui being instantianted when the docs are built?” (Which I am trying to avoid).

2021-7-14 15:18:17

That will be fine. As you expect, codeblock just reads, and it can optionally expand (you can ask for that), but it won’t run.

2021-7-15 02:05:23

Does call/cc have a “cost” if the continuation object is not invoked?

2021-7-15 02:22:14

Yes, call/cc will do some work to create a continuation object, even if you don’t use it. There is also a cost to resuming the captured continuation frames by returning (<|implicitly invoking the >continuation), although that cost is small.