2021-7-31 13:01:17

@notjack If you need help moving your work to racket github org, please let me know. I have been using your docker images and have a good understanding of what they do. Perhaps I can help.

2021-7-31 13:06:03

@spdegabrielle I have edited the github page you have set up. Thanks.

2021-7-31 13:06:49

Thank you @kyp0717

2021-7-31 16:52:49

When inheriting from string-snip%, the following only ever prints mouse motion events. Is this expected? (define/override (on-event dc x y editorx editory event) (eprintf "mouse event ~a~n" (send event get-event-type))) I expected to see ’enter and ’leave events as well as button presses, but I don’t. For now I’ve worked around it but I was curious why this is the case.

2021-7-31 16:56:11

Check the flags with get-flags.

2021-7-31 16:57:20

I’m doing the following: (set-flags (cons 'handles-all-mouse-events (get-flags))) (set-flags (cons 'handles-between-events (get-flags)))

2021-7-31 16:57:49

Doing this gets me the motion events, but none of the others.

2021-7-31 16:58:53

Next step is to check the container. Is the container handing the event instead of sending them down the line?

2021-7-31 16:59:55

I was thinking that I might be inheriting some behavior from string-snip%. I just checked and those are the only two flags set.

2021-7-31 17:00:30

Is the snip inside an editor?

2021-7-31 17:01:29

Yes, it is inside a custom subclass of text%, which doesn’t override on-event.

2021-7-31 17:02:30

Which in turn is inside a subclass of editor-canvas%.

2021-7-31 17:03:07

Checker whether the text% instance receives the event as expected.

2021-7-31 17:05:35

Ok, thanks! This gives me something to work with.

2021-7-31 17:07:20

Also, what’s the default thing to do for a text% when the keymap% has no binding for a key?

2021-7-31 17:10:25

I haven’t touched keymap%’s before, so I’m using the default for text%. That gives me something else to look into.

2021-7-31 19:28:06

I’m writing a redex library and I’m wondering: it’s clear how to do zip/map using ... form, but is there a “fancy way” to do filtering? I want to do something like (ty ... where (meets-some-predicate ty)))?

2021-7-31 20:16:12

Here is an example of code I would like to express without having to resort to ,(filter...):

2021-7-31 21:23:48

I think I just need to sit down and click a button and maybe update a sentence or two of documentation, so it’s less about needing help and more about needing reminders :sweat_smile:

2021-8-1 01:17:11

2021-8-1 01:22:49

FYI > Languages you can use > > You can code in any programming language you’d like to create your project, so long as the language is part of the Debian/Ubuntu or Arch package repo (or one of the language-specific repos, like Rust’s cargo). Please limit build steps of the project to three or less steps.

2021-8-1 03:22:58

I don’t think there is a fancy way to do this. If you don’t want to unquote you can use a recursive metafunction to implement filter. But really the only advantage I know of doing that is if you want random generation.