2021-8-10 09:32:22

@shu—hung I’m not sure it fits with the Bee but it does sound like a valuable contribution - thank you for thinking of it. The Bee is a community effort to enhance <https://docs.racket-lang.org/syntax-parse-example/index.html|Syntax Parse Examples (link)> as a learning resource for syntax parse macros. Maybe submit one example for discussion with @ben ?

2021-8-10 12:44:26
@shu—hung that sounds fine, helpful illustrations are welcome

2021-8-10 13:30:10

How can Python pandas be faster than Racket especially w/Chez? I would guess there should be nothing Python does that Racket couldn’t do better. Is Python taking shortcuts, playing fast and loose somewhere?

2021-8-10 13:40:48

It’s using C and/or Fortran (AFAIK), as commented previously

2021-8-10 13:41:32

Plus pandas has been under development and widespread use for some time: that naturally leads to lots of work on improvements, including performance.

2021-8-10 13:55:08

Likely many factors all adding up together. Some are easy, some are not so easy to compete with. Obviously profiling is needed, but a rough list of likely candidates:

  1. Pandas has chunks written in C. Along these same lines, ability to use SIMD, etc.
  2. Multi-threading. There are many dataframe operations that benefit tremendously from multi-threading (e.g. folding multiple columns at once). This is something I plan to do still, assuming Racket is up for it.
  3. Algorithm choices that I have no control over (e.g. sorting) without hand-rolling.
  4. Message dispatching (think using __lt__ in a sort vs. a define-generic less-than? in Racket). Those built-in method dispatches in Python have been optimized to hell-and-back, likely being optimized to a specific bytecode instruction at this point, so there’s no need to even look it up.
  5. Memory allocation and GC strategies. For example, Python + Pandas will rarely collect memory and will just grow in the name of performance.
  6. Applying functions (read cons’ing + apply) instead of optimizing the <= N cases, which I can all but guarantee that Pandas does. And that’s just off the top of my head. I have plans for #2 and #6.

2021-8-10 15:04:45

Thanks @massung, great list. I wonder, for #1 (and maybe #4), if Racket could write “safe C/Rust/whatever” so you’d get the performance, without having to have a C/Fortran programmer pore over C/Fortran or special-case things. Because Racket is a Lisp, it could do AI-like things, such as choose foreign libraries it “likes/trusts” based on capabilities, and possibly create new optimized but reliable native code when existing wheels have not already been invented.

2021-8-10 15:32:14

Using FFI unfortunately blocks the VM. A program could move the FFI portions into a separate place but then there would be communication overhead to the place. IIRC in 8.1 CS there is now call-in-os-thread and friends but they have restrictions that need to be worked around.

2021-8-10 17:38:54

I’m very happy to be wrong!

2021-8-10 18:44:21

Re-posting this from Discord, in case someone knows the answer: I have a file private/for-jsond.rkt that starts #lang jsond, but raco setup --tidy --avoid-main --check-pkg-deps --unused-pkg-deps --pkgs &lt;PACKAGE&gt; reports jsond as an unused dependency. How do I fix that? The file exists because I thought it would make the dep explicit; the dep really shows up at runtime in generated files, if that matters. (Is this because I have the local development version of jsond installed?) (module-recorded-dependencies "private/for-jsond.rkt") from compiler/depend includes ~/path/to/jsond/main.rkt

2021-8-10 18:45:27

Ah, sillily, changing to #lang racket/base (require jsond) works just fine.

2021-8-10 18:46:08

It may be bc the expansion of a jsond module has no references to jsond?

2021-8-11 01:49:30

Question about define-syntax-rule (or syntax templates, more specifically). I want to have “keywords”, so I can write something like

(dada-test (a b c) (true-when ()) (false-when (atomic))) My first try was something like this:

(define-syntax-rule (dada-test place-term (true-when read-holds-atomic-term ...) but I think that true-when there is becoming a binding, not a “keyword”. How do I do that?

2021-8-11 03:25:50

@src has joined the channel

2021-8-11 04:50:07

You can’t do that with define-syntax-rule since it doesn’t let you specify “literals”, but you can with syntax-rules and syntax-case:

(define-syntax (true-when stx) (raise-syntax-error 'true-when "may only be used within a dada-test form" stx)) (define-syntax (false-when stx) (raise-syntax-error 'true-when "may only be used within a dada-test form" stx)) (define-syntax (dada-test stx) (syntax-case stx (true-when false-when) [(_ (pt ...) (true-when ()) (false-when ())) #'(void)])) (dada-test (a b c) (true-when ()) (false-when ())) Also with syntax-parse:

(define-syntax (dada-test2 stx) (syntax-parse stx #:literals (true-when false-when) [(_ (pt ...) (true-when ()) (false-when ())) #'(void)])) (dada-test2 (a b c) (true-whens ()) (false-when ())) I’d recommend going with the latter since it gives better error messages (try replacing true-when with something else in both examples to see what I mean).