2021-8-26 11:24:29

I’ve had that happen when I had an example that was failing to terminate.

2021-8-26 14:34:34

dear god no

2021-8-26 14:38:48

Hello amazing web people! I have a question. I’m trying to do something that I think should be manageable, but I also know that it would be very easy to get off on the wrong foot and have to throw everything away. The basic problem is (I claim) equivalent to this: I want to make a web page that allows students to build a binary tree of text fields, starting with an empty tree and clicking buttons to expand the tree at specified locations and then entering text in the various fields. A lot of this would be pretty easy with (say) big-bang, except (I think) for the text fields and for the much larger problem that I want to run it on the web. Is there a reactive framework that makes this easy? (And, to be totally honest, I don’t really care whether it uses Racket. I just trust you folks to know a lot more than me.)

2021-8-26 14:43:46

This appears to be more of a “front end” problem, where I’m more of a “back end” server type of guy, but to clarify, do you need any server-side functionality e.g. storing text field data in a database, etc.?

2021-8-26 14:44:42

Also, what’s the maximum number of nodes you expect to have to support?

2021-8-26 15:05:42
  1. What do you mean by “web”? Do you want this to be a JavaScript program with no permament state, or a web server, or …?
  2. Exactly how easy is this big-bang program to write? Tree layout is a non-trivial problem.
  3. Do you actually care about writing this in a reactive framework? Just writing this with vanilla JS and DOM mutation is probably pretty easy (modulo issue 2).

2021-8-26 16:02:50

I wonder if this would be a good test of RacketScript.

2021-8-26 16:04:10

https://github.com/mackron/miniaudio I was thinking i’d try writing racket bindings to this neat single file C lib that’s crossplatform. I’m sure its easier to deal with than port audio lol

2021-8-26 16:07:11

This is a ScalaJS project but it draws trees out of JSON, maybe this could be adapted into RacketScript. I was thinking at least it takes care of some amount of tree drawing. http://lakhin.com/projects/papa-carlo/demo/

2021-8-26 17:57:26

He just sent another one

2021-8-26 18:06:28

To Sam’s questions: 1) pure front-end would be ideal, with a “submit” button at the bottom that sends the current state. Easy. 2) I don’t actually care about tree layout; it’s placing boxes in a fixed grid, so the layout is pretty obvious, the tree example just made it easier to explain the problem. 3) Shouldn’t have said reactive. Yes, I think a simple js program with DOM manipulation is probably easiest.

2021-8-26 18:06:47

So basically, I think I now know how this should be implemented. Thanks all!

2021-8-26 18:09:15

It looks to me like he was banned about 3 hours ago, so maybe someone just beat me to it.

2021-8-26 18:28:03

that turned out to be it for me too

2021-8-26 18:35:13

Yes, I did that

2021-8-26 23:06:02

In Racket 8.2 cs in BSL, “8.2” displays as "#<image>" in the test results dialog. Is this a known bug or did I setup something wrong?

2021-8-26 23:27:14

Known and fixed in snapshots

2021-8-26 23:29:11

Huh, I thought 8.0 has that problem and 8.1 fixes it. It’s back in 8.2?

2021-8-26 23:29:56

8.0 had some different problems

2021-8-26 23:33:43

Something in addition to this? https://github.com/racket/htdp/issues/135

2021-8-27 00:04:11

I see, I thought the image was not rendering but it’s the numbers that are having troubles

2021-8-27 03:58:18

Okay. I’ll try rebuilding; I also tested on a custom build from git, but it might have been a few weeks since I rebuilt.

2021-8-27 04:11:16

Are there known bugs affecting BSL etc in 8.1? We were planning to use 8.2 for the intro course, but with this bug, I’m debating between recommending 8.1 or a snapshot build. Snapshots seem more risky.

2021-8-27 04:13:47

and rsound doesn’t work out of the box anymore :s, the issues list are stacked! ../../../usr/share/racket/collects/ffi/unsafe.rkt:131:0: ffi-lib: could not load foreign library path: /home/a/.racket/8.2/pkgs/rsound/rsound/private/./x86_64-linux/cs/buffer-add.so system error: /home/a/.racket/8.2/pkgs/rsound/rsound/private/./x86_64-linux/cs/buffer-add.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2021-8-27 05:06:26

Otherwise this seems minor: https://github.com/racket/htdp/issues/149

2021-8-27 05:12:16

thanks. both of those look pretty minor.

2021-8-27 05:49:21

actually the vg file already has a bitdepth of 16bit… so still unsure what you did with audacity to make it work

2021-8-27 05:49:34

nonetheless… i need to figure out how to make this work with ogg

2021-8-27 06:16:25

Yup. As long as it’s BC things ought to be okay