2021-9-23 17:53:51

Is there a parameter to raco make that will instruct it to ignore any .dep files? It seems like --no-deps causes it not to generate them — so if I switch branches between a branch that uses that param and one that doesn’t I get errors because the existing .dep files are out of date.

2021-9-23 17:54:49

Or maybe I should skip that param… I thought I was potentially save some time/effort since I’m building .zo files in a way that doesn’t need the .dep file…

2021-9-23 17:55:26

Yeah, I want it to not rebuild dependent files…

2021-9-23 19:18:01

@qianfan_chen has joined the channel

2021-9-23 21:07:58

I’m not sure I’m following everything here, but there’s not currently a way to get raco make to ignore “.dep” files.

2021-9-23 21:24:24

Announcement: there’s going to be a biweekly discussion meeting on Rhombus open to all, starting next Thursday. See https://github.com/racket/rhombus-brainstorming/discussions/180\|https://github.com/racket/rhombus-brainstorming/discussions/180

2021-9-23 21:37:29

I’d like some assistance writing macros that run during the template phase. I want to write an augmented version of ~? - ~?* - which takes any number of arguments. For example, these two macros would be functionally identical. #lang racket (require syntax/parse/define) (define-syntax-parser example-v1 [(_ (~or a:number b:str c:char)) #'(~? a (~? b c))]) (define-syntax-parser example-v2 [(_ (~or a:number b:str c:char)) #'(~?* a b c)]) I’d imagine that such a macro would be implemented in a manner similar to this: (define-syntax-parser ~?* [(_ pattern other-pats* ...+) #'((... ~?) pattern other-pats ...)] [(_ pattern) #'((... ~?) pattern)]) But I’m unsure about how to make a macro available in a manner similar to how ~? and other syntax syntaxes operate. So far I’ve tried to put ~?* into a submodule that I’ve required using for-template , but have not yet had success with this method. Please advise!

2021-9-23 22:39:51

In fact, #' is a shorthand for syntax and syntax is itself a macro that specifically recognizes ~? and expands it into if. ~? is not some template macro that runs. Therefore I don’t think it is extensible.

One possible approach I can think of is write another macro my-syntax that expands to #' and recognizes ~?*. Another could be using this experimental library: syntax/parse/experimental/template, template and define-template-metafunction https://docs.racket-lang.org/syntax/Experimental.html#%28mod-path._syntax%2Fparse%2Fexperimental%2Ftemplate%29

2021-9-24 00:31:09

Is there a good recipe out there for handling/illustrating how to handle multiple platforms with ffi-lib where the different platforms could be using different library names?

2021-9-24 00:56:57

Is racket a good language for implementing compilers?

2021-9-24 01:02:23

Here’s how the OpenSSL library is opened: https://github.com/racket/racket/blob/master/racket/collects/openssl/libssl.rkt

The same strategy is used for racket/draw and racket/gui libraries.

2021-9-24 01:04:41

I would say “yes” and advocate Typed Racket specifically, but you’ll have to get a less biased opinion from others here…